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Hello, I'm using Firefox 58.02 (64 bit). Up until the last few days, the password manager has worked just fine. Now, all of a sudden, when I try to log in to the manager it either says it can't contact the server or it says nothing at all and just never logs me in. This is happening in Firefox on multiple computers. The manager works just fine in Chrome.
Open support tickets on this, ask them what the deal is. Some of the people commenting here make it sound like they work for Webroot, but they don't and are defensive shills.
Wrong on both counts: 1) the people commenting here do not work for WR and 2) the commenters here are not "shills" as you put it. We're simply people who face the same problem but exhibit more patience and understanding. You, on the other hand, appear to have anger management issues.
I rest my case. I'm not responding to the triggered shill though.
I rest my case. I'm not responding to the triggered shill though.

LOL... I liked your comment to give you some support, poor guy. You might find, though, that wearing a tinfoil hat all day will leave you with hat-head which is unbecoming. BTW... I thought you were launching a major lawsuit against WR. Of was that just bravado... you know, whistling past the graveyard as it were? Relax. Life is so much bigger than a non-working pw mgr. Go outside. Smell the flowers. Pet a dog. Drink some coffee. Get LastPass and install it. It actually works and you won't need to wring your hands so much anymore. 😉 In fact, mine is working so well, I'm going to fork over the $24 for the Premium so I can have it on my smartphone as well as my tablets and laptop.
