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Why is my Facebook profile being blocked by Webroot Security?

  • 20 November 2014
  • 2 replies

My Facebook page is being blocked by Webroot Security, and I have no idea why. I get a Webroot window where I must "unlock and continue".
Here is my Facebook profile:
(Link Removed to Protect Privacy)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2 replies

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 6752 replies
  • November 20, 2014
Sorry about that - it's a bug on our end that is happening to some of our customers.  Go ahead and allow it, and please contact our support so that they can gather your logs.  We're still gathering data on why this is happening so we can get a permanent fix.

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 7721 replies
  • November 20, 2014
Hello there!  Welcome to the Webroot Community!
I am able to access your profile without any issues.  If on your own computer you are not, please submit a Trouble TIcket to have Webroot Support take a look.  A few weeks ago there was a small issue that once in a while blocked pages in error.  It only happened rarely and only for a few people, but if that is the issue here Support would need the additional info.
Also, I am removing the link to your profile to protect your privacy :)
I hope this helps!