This release includes bug fixes and security hardening along with a much-requested feature from our customers:
- Add ability to restore from quarantine via console command

Cloud Security is the theme for our March WSAT Content Release. The release consists of 36 total updates across our entire content library to help our customers drive ongoing engagement with their Phishing simulations and Training campaigns. Regular monthly updates to courses are included as well. See below for details.
What is being released?
* New courses from NINJIO and Skillsoft in English and French
* New email and page templates to simulate expected seasonal phishing attacks
* Autopilot training and phishing campaigns in the baseline track

Email Threat Protection now includes optional DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Signing. DKIM is an email security standard to ensure messages weren’t altered in transit between sending and recipient servers. Previously exclusive to Encryption customers, this capability is now available to Threat Protection customers (Email Threat Protection and Advanced Email Threat Protection) with outbound filtering (SmartHosting) enabled. No additional Encryption license is required.
- Available to all Threat Protection customers (Email Threat Protection and Advanced Email Threat Protection
- Enhances security posture by DKIM signing outbound filtered email
- Helps organizations meet cybersecurity pre-requisite functionality
- All included- No additional pricing

The updated app is available in the Appstore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/webroot-mobile-security/id460986853
New Features
- Now the Webroot for Safari extension in Mobile is also secured and authenticated from the main app. It means the authorized users of WMS can only use the safari extension.