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Hey there, just wanted to stop in this forum and give a big thanks to webroot for how useful and secure it has made my system. I believe so far it has remedied about 12 or so intrusions. Very, very pleased with the speed and effectiveness. Keep up the great work, I work in an IT environment so I know what a huge effort it must be to keep up with the Malware. Thanks again!
Hello S3RTP3NT and welcome to the Community!


Glad to see you here, and I hope you stick around.  It is a great place to learn, have a little fun, and help others along the way!
Hello S3RP3NT and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums! 




Hello S3RP3NT


PS: Hey Daniel & David, you put an extra "T" in the new members name. Got ya! LOL
OOOOPS! Sorry! 🙂

Welcome to the Community where everyday is a new learning experience.:)
