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Hello to all of you. I am introducing myself and it took me about five minutes to get to this page so I am not so savvy as most of you. So hello to all of you and we'll see where this all leads. Dr. Bob
Hi Dr. Bob,


Thanks for joining the Webroot Community!  Sorry if it took you a while to navigate around the Community, but I'm sure you will get the hang of it after you visit and contribute often.  You may also want to visit the Helpful Pointers for New Members section for help.


If you have any questions about our products please post them in the Community and we will help you out.


Thanks again,


Howard, thanks for the welcome and taking the time to respond.  I'm sure I'll get quicker as time goes on. You know you can't hold us 73 yo retirees down! Dr. Bob
You are very welcome Dr.  Bob and always remember that "with age comes wisdom"  :D

Again, thank you for joining and we look forward to helping you get the most out of Webroot's products.


Have a great day,


Howdy Dr. Bob and Welcome to the Webroot Community!
It's not easy to navigate around this for me.  I'm not that computer savey.

I am having trouble, every time I try to view a video, they tell me I need flash player, which I

already installed. What do I need to do to activate Adobe?
Welcome, Rosebud!

Thanks for your patience as you learn to navigate around on this site.

I understand your confusion regarding Adobe Flash Player; sometimes troubleshooting on these issues can be difficult on your own. That's why I would suggest visiting the Adobe Flash Player help page:

Once you're there, you can see if you have Adobe Flash installed, upgrade to the latest (free) version if you need to, or view detailed instructions on the product.

Thanks for jumping in!
Hello Rosebud72,


After you check to make sure that you have the correct version of Flash installed and I hope all is fine, but if you go to some sites that are offering that you upgrade Flash I would be careful as some of these site's that do and if you click on it to upgrade it could be malware instead of the actual Abode Flash!




Thanks for the info.  I've just been deleting the ones who keep asking to download the flash player.

Did you check Alex's Link to the Adobe Flash site to make sure you have the latest?

Adobe Flash Player




Also,sometimes an update to flash may not take properly,sometimes because certain files are in use at the time.Only download flash updates through

How i usually handle flash updates,is

1)first i download the flash uninstaller from this link at the adobe website and save it to my desktop adobe flash uninstaller.

2)Next close any programs in system tray in lower right corner that use flash.

3)double click the adobe flash uninstaller utility and run.reboot when prompted

4)upon reboot open your browser and migrate to adobe flash player and run the installer from there.I usually deselect the the checkbox for the google toolbar.You will need to open the above link in Firefox too if you also wish to install Flash for firefox.When installing for Firefox be sure to deselect the Mcafee thing.I wouldn't allow any Mcafee on my system even if there was a gun to my head.I always visit and java on a regular basis to check up on new versions.Keeping all your adobe programs up to date..Flash,Reader,etc..will go along way to keeping you safe as hackers regularly exploit unpatched versions of this software.Always disregard prompts when surfing the net about having to update your flash.As long as you are visiting adobe on a regular basis,you will be covered.
As an added bonus for the confusion, Flash player has different versions for Internet Explorer and Firefox.  If you installed a version for one browser, and are using a different browser, it won't work.  Thankfully you can install both versions at once, so just visit on the browser you use a lot as people have pointed out.
That's why I use the link to download both then install offline!


@ wrote:

That's why I use the link to download both then install offline!



From a support standpoint, I just keep up to date links directly to the four installers, checking page, and Reader installer.  Much better than trying to go through the Adobe paes that want to bundle stuff.
I got a

Webroot technician to fix my computer. Schree L did a fantastic job and I am happy with it.  I can now watch videos and zip around my computer just fine.  Thaqnks for the great job Schree L.
I'll be sure to forward this information to Shree's supervisor!  Glad to hear things are going great now.
