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Webroot automatically renew my subscription annually. I’ve just had a message on bottom right of screen saying ‘Your action is needed! We were unable to renew your subscription. Get protected before it’s too late.’ Is this a scam, and what should I do?

Hi there Susie;

        When you click on the webroot icon with the W on it how many days does the subscription have left? I have always did mine by the year! 


Sometimes i have had that happen even after entering a new keycode and i just wait a couple of days and then it renews. But it still brings up a message that it is about to expire maybe because you still have some exsisting days left on your old key code! I would go to my account, then "Access web console" and enter my email and webroot Password and look to see if a new key code has been added! 

           Hope this helps 



Thank you, Slittle75. I see there is a key code when I do this. What should I do with it? My account says my subscription will end soon.

How many days left on you subscription?


6 days.

That key code you said you seen, write it down with dash's an all, go back to the webroot main page and click on the gear icon next to my account, a page will come up and under my subscriotion look to see if that key code you wrote down match's if not enter the key code into the white box and then click ativate key code.

You are a star, Slittle75 - it seems to have worked! Thank you so much for your help. I’m really grateful. :)

Hey there Susie not a problem Iam that you got it going ! Have a good one! 

   Take care


