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The ConnectWise Partner community area is designed for ConnectWise Automate and Manage administrators who also use Webroot. With the integration solutions available between Automate and Manage, this community page will be a location where partners can ask Webroot experts and MSP collegues questions, collaborate on best practices and share collaborative information.


Please feel free to post a new topic and get a timely response.




PS... Introduce yourself on this Welcome thread and let us know if there's anything specific the Webroot team can provide help and support.
Hello, My name is Ethan. We have been using Webroot for the past two years and we just started using ConnectWise. I love being able to deploy Automate and Webroot through the Control Center.
Welcome @ - if you have any questions related to the integration or Webroot in general, please let us know.

Hello All!

@ - I finally made it over to this group!


I'm a Webroot Admin, and our company uses essentially all of the ConnectWise stuff - Automate, Manage & Sell.  I've been working to get a happy marriage between those products and Webroot.  Automate plugins help us get solid coverage and Manage integrations help us get solid $$ back in the pipeline.  

Looking forward to participating here!
@ - Welcome! We have lots of eyeballs on these posts, so even if I 'cough-cough' take a few days of PTO or out to the mountaijns to unwind, someone, hopefully, will get answers to questions.
