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URL Whitelist / Blacklist from DNS Protection by device.

  • October 23, 2018
  • 2 replies

Is there a way to whitelist a URL that will override the general policy, by device? Such as if I have a marketing manager that needs access to facebook, how do I exempt her from the block of the general DNS policy?

2 replies

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 831 replies
  • October 23, 2018
Hi @,
It depends if you are using agent-level DNS or network-level protection. It would be easiest if you contacted our support team so that they can understand your specific request and can assist you in setting this up in the best way for your situation. You can call them at 1-866-254-8400 or open a ticket and they will reply to you shortly. 

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 49 replies
  • February 22, 2019
Hi @diceclip .. if you are using agent level DNS, currently we dont provide policy override at the device/policy level but that is coming v. soon. However, if you need an ALLOW override, you can use the Intranet domain bypass as a workaround. Hope this helps.
