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"It's like bringing a knife to a gun fight"

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 241 replies
Outdated Understanding of Cybercrime is Risky for Financial Markets
Today, CityWire Global reported that global financial markets are under a growing threat of cybercrime, according to the latest report from the International Orgnaization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).
‘Reliance on an out-dated understanding of what cyber-crime entails, a perception of safety due to containment of past cyber-attacks, or assumptions around the limited capabilities of cyber-criminals today–may mean we end up “bringing a knife to a gun fight” in the future,’ said the report’s author Rohini Tendulkar.
This data seems to be in line with the thoughts of many other analysts. At this year's Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit, one of the top three trends that Gartner recommended that security vendors focus on was Advanced Persistent Threads.
And if you don't pay attention to these new threats? Well, it'll be costy.  Webroot produced an infographic that broke down some research about modern threats and costs to companies.
Thankfully, as any Webroot customer knows, our technology is built specifically FOR these kind of threats. 


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