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Currently seeing strange remote addresses for some of my active connections ( e.g. 2607:f8b0:4004:832: ……..) and reflects the type (of connection) as TCP6.  The application is HxTsr.exe, but have similar remote addresses for both the Winstore app and backgroundtaskhost.exe.  That said, for these same  applications / connections, I also have recognizable remote addresses ( eg ) with the type of connection being TCP4.  What is the difference and is there any need to be alarmed or any action that I should take to correct this?

Thanks so much !


Hello @Joseph1973 


I don’t see any issue with the communications but if your concerned then ask Webroot for a Free Security Check.

Submit a Support Ticket



Thanks!  I was concerned since I have never seen local and or remote addresses like below or the type TCP6.  Sent for security check.


Hello @Joseph1973 


Yes that’s looks normal to me! This is one of mine below.




Thanks much. I sometime find IP’s that accessing certain apps and have to block them (eg Verizon, old military, etc)  I have not been able to identify those that use this type of IP.
