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Self- Edit: See TripleHelix's post


I've reviewed the community policies but nothing jumped out at me so I'm asking here. I'm making a public post so we all know moving forward. I apologize if this has already been hashed over earlier in the community's history.


What is your position on community members offering to review Webroot scan logs? These reviews would not involve remediation recommendations other than to contact Webroot support and would require a disclaimer regarding non-affiliation with Webroot.


For an example, see my post here:



I fully understand issues of you wanting to retain control over the support process. I'm just looking for ways to offer my own experience and knowledge with the product. If you're not comfortable I completely understand.
This is in my opinion as I'm not a Webroot Employee and also not to offend you. I would not ask anyone to look at there scan logs because of Privacy as there are some personal information in the logs. I have been helping https:///t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/212 the V.P. of Development for 5 years at Wilders Security Forums and never asked anyone for there Scan Logs because of Privacy as I always found it was not my place to ask them as I can read scan logs also. I think it's best just to give users guidance on things that we can help them with because in most cases it should be handled by Webroot Staff and or the Support System. I will just post JimM suggestions for the need of support. https:///t5/Community-Guidelines-please-read/Looking-for-Support/m-p/10124#M14 and https:///t5/Community-Guidelines-please-read/Experiencing-a-Webroot-Issue-Start-here/td-p/17460


And I'm sure someone from the Webroot Staff will give you there official comments,


Best Regards,


Triple, I agree with your comment and I believe you have answered my question.

I have marked this topic resolved.
I am with TH on this one. If I put myself in the shoes of a new member here that needs help, I would probably be reluctant to have a non-Webroot employee to review my scan logs, especially if I were new here and did not know anybody.
