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Ask Anything: What Happens In Your Computer When You Turn It On?

  • 16 June 2014
  • 9 replies

No, the little mouse inside it does not start scrambling around. 

By Daniel Engber  

   Before a computer can load its operating system and locate drivers for its components, it must recognize that it has been turned on at all. This task falls to a relatively simple device known as the power-on reset circuit. “In its very basic form, it’s simply a little capacitor and a resistor and a little inverter, something like that,” says David Blaauw, a professor in the Michigan Integrated Circuits Laboratory at the University of Michigan. The power-on reset circuit is hardwired to recognize a minimum voltage level. When voltage crosses that threshold, the circuit signals the processor to execute a set of commands that allow for the loading up of the system.


9 replies

Userlevel 7
Nice read. Thanks for sharing.:)
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
And all that happens in 15 seconds for me? :D

Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Very impressive Daniel. .. 🙂
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Thanks it's usually between 12 and 16 seconds as I have 2 SSD's Drives and the 108 second one was during a Windows Update as you know it needs time to install the updates on reboot!
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Well Daniel that's an awesome setup so for my next Windows pc I'm going to get that laptop. ..Whoohoo. 🙂
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Yea as I only use High End Laptops and I have no need for a Desktop anymore but you can get SSD's for Desktop Towers.
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Really Really. I haven't been updated with I'll keep my eyes on that for sure.. 🙂
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
It's just my opinion but I have 2 Muskin SSD's and made in the good oh USA for 3 years now without any issues I got them on but for you
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Hey Daniel I really appreciate that information! 😉
