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Browsers: IE 9, Firefox, Chrome?

New Voice
Was hoping to get a relatively quick response to browser preferences.  I am currently using IE 9 but am not very satisfied with it.  I have used Firefox and Chrome in the past, but don't want to go to the trouble of downloading and installing and setting up all the stuff if the newest versions aren't up to snuff. 
Do the great majority of peeps prefer one over the other?  I am running Vista fully up-to-date on 3 units, XP SP-3 updated through the cut-off. 
I'll hang out for a bit and see what comes up here.  I appreciate some "studied" responses.  Please, I need considered opinions and facts, not random input from less experienced users, though I appreciate those thoughts too!  Please understand that expediency is my aim not offending members. 
Ch 4 t

10 replies

Gold VIP
I personally use IE9, Firefox & Opera for various reasons and all work fine with WSA! Chrome I'm not to fond of as there are to many updates IMO.
TH  ;)

  • Retired Webrooter
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  • October 26, 2012
At home, my preference is for Firefox lately. I think it's caught up to Chrome in terms of performance at this point, at least as far as I can tell in standard usage, and I'm already used to where everything is.

From a Webroot perspective, although we support IE, Firefox, Chrome, and Opera for everything except the password manager, at this time, we still don't quite have the password toolbar ready in Chrome yet. So there's one more + for Firefox.

(I'm going to move this thread over to Techie instead of the News forum.)

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  • October 26, 2012
At the moment,i am enjoying ie10.Definitely giving chrome a run for it's money in terms of performance and definitely better in terms of security at this moment according to some testing that was quoted by Neil at pcmag.I had been going back and forth between chrome and ie9.No real preference for either.I have firefox installed,but don't use it very often.

Hi...I have two question...:about browsers:
1-When I click in Google Chrome...the page that open says
Should I get that reference? Is that right? Why don't say
2. Which one is faster IE, Chrome or firefox...or let me know if there are another faster browser (not sure if that the right term for those IE, Chrome, Firefox (browsers?) Thanks!
EDIT: I'm new here...did I post this correctly?  Can I ask question under a post of another person (like I did here) or should I have created a new posting with my question. Thanks!

Silver VIP
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  • November 3, 2013
1.) You imported your IE settings
2.) They're all faster or slower depending on the test. Chrome is generally considered the fastest in real-world use. I use all three in addition to Cyberox on a regular basis.

What  do you mean with "1.) You imported your IE settings"
Is that mean that if I open Google Chrome I should not be seeing the reference to www.
What should I see?
Do I need to correct something?

Silver VIP
  • Silver VIP
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  • November 3, 2013
When you launched Chrome for the first time it asked if you wanted to import your Internet Explorer settings. You hit Yes so it imported MSN as your homepage.

Thanks Explanoit..I think I understand better of what happened.
Do you know how can I have Chrome/chrome without the MSN setting? Is that possible..
I want to know what is normal for when everyone open Internet explorer, everyone will see www. Is that right?
When people open Google Chrome...what should appear in the browser?
I will check the answers tomorrow. Thanks!.

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  • November 5, 2013
@ wrote:
Thanks Explanoit..I think I understand better of what happened.
Do you know how can I have Chrome/chrome without the MSN setting? Is that possible..
I want to know what is normal for when everyone open Internet explorer, everyone will see www. Is that right?
When people open Google Chrome...what should appear in the browser?
I will check the answers tomorrow. Thanks!.
You can set Chrome to open on whatever page(s) you want it to. Just open Chrome, and click the Menu icon, the three lines in the upper right corner. Then you will see a "On Startup" section with three options. You can have it to open a New Tab page, continure on where Chrome was when you used it last, or to open up to a page or set of pages. To do this, click Set Pages and enter in the URL of the website you want to open when you start Chrome.

  • Popular Voice
  • 50 replies
  • November 14, 2013
I have Foxfire on my desktop because I play alot of Facebook games on it.
It works great as long as you aren't running more the it and 1 other program beside it.
I have IE on my laptop currently but I might upgrade it later to a higher version of itself.
Just because the current version might be abit out of date... though I doubt it is since my laptop is a new one.