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Had a droid hacked then stolen a year ago. Gmail was automatic sign in on the device and i have no way to remember username and password. I'm worried that the lost account can still be used to get my personal info via fb, hotmail etc. I have tried to kill gmail and don't seem to be able to get through their process without signing in to an account I no longer have access to.

You can try and Contact Gmail Directly and




Daniel 😉
Thankyou for the response, but- as before all I got to was a "does this help?" comment form

um, no. It don't help ya Gmail douchebags
ps- not you, Daniel
I'm just saying we can't do anything for you and only Gmail. Can you make a new gmail account one with a strong password and remove the old account from your Android and any others devices connected to the old account?


Also see what just happened with Gmail recently:




Daniel 😉
