How to Set Brave as Default Browser on iPhone / iPad / Mac

  • 16 February 2022
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 7


The privacy-centric Brave web browser is gaining popularity, so it’s reasonable for iPhone and iPad users to wonder how they can change their default web browser to Brave in iOS or iPadOS. Fortunately, it’s really easy.

For the unfamiliar, the Brave web browser has many privacy focused features, including built-in tracker blocking, ad blocking, and other features that can help to improve your online privacy. It also performs well and web pages tend to load quite fast with Brave, partially because it’s blocking so much of the activity going on under the hood of many websites, with various cookies, ad servers, and potentially intrusive JavaScripts.


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Userlevel 7

How to Make Brave the Default Web Browser on Mac

As the Brave web browser gains popularity, Brave users and privacy-centric Mac users may wish to adjust the default web browser in macOS to Brave. That’s super easy to do on the Mac, so let’s check out how it works.

If you’re unfamiliar, Brave is another cross-platform web browser option, but what makes Brave unique is a focus on privacy, with a variety of privacy-first features. This includes things like built-in tracker blocking and ad blocking, which not only can help protect your privacy on the web, but also can really speed up the web browsing experience since a bunch of extraneous stuff doesn’t get loaded. The Brave browser is based on Chromium, which is the open source version of Chrome, but it has been modified enough to make it a unique browser, and to remove the tracking components and ads that are allowed within Chrome.


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