Software Removal Tools

  • 22 February 2013
  • 44 replies

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44 replies

Userlevel 2
Hi DavidP,
Thanks to you. Idea well-developed. Congratulations on a job well done.
Good job.
Userlevel 7
Added Malwarebyte's by request.
Thanks TH!!
Userlevel 7
Added Java removal Applet.  Thanks TH!
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Anytime David! ;)
Userlevel 7
Badge +3
The entire list provided has been copied and is going reviewed for addition to the post. 
Thank you again!  I do appreciate your effort in supplying such a large reqeust/suggestion list!
Userlevel 7
Thanks Dermot!  I will check them out and add them to the list later today!
Userlevel 3
another tool to play around with would be **, it is pretty much like everything you have listed but all set to where you can autorun them all and come back in five hours......... and also lets not forget the other tool you can get from there cryptoprevent, that prevents cryptolocker for those who want even more protection from it [edit] 
Make sure to try out off of the tools listed in there that ** can use, it is amazing
ps.... don't reset print spooler with it if it is on a computer that uses an hp printer, reinstall of printer will be needed
EDIT: Removal of references that may violate, or encourage others to violate, Community Guidelines.
Userlevel 7
I know about **, and it is really not something for this list.  This list is specifically for software removal tools, not malware (Webroot itself covers that), and I don't really vision this thread for being used to post general utilities. 
Also, it is a bit past the allowed scope of the Community: this would invite general inexperienced users to engage in testing malware and infections in order to test this program, and that is very much against the Community Guidelines.  I have to pass on this one.
EDIT: Removal of references that may violate, or encourage others to violate, Community Guidelines.
Userlevel 3
true, sorry about that, i was just stating that the software removal tools in the maintenance side of it has lots of references for good software removal tools
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
true, sorry about that, i was just stating that the software removal tools in the maintenance side of it has lots of references for good software removal tools
I understand, and I know your intent was good.  Getting this thread approved though, was only by quite a bit of discussion and it was made VERY clear that I MUST be very careful to stay entirely within the intent of it, approved scope of it, and the Community Guidelines or approval for it can be removed at any time and the thread deleted.
The entire list provided has been copied and is going reviewed for addition to the post. 
Thank you again!  I do appreciate your effort in supplying such a large reqeust/suggestion list!
Userlevel 7
Some of these appear to be already on my list, but I thank you VERY much for the suggestions.  I will go over them later today and add them in.
My Pleasure 🙂
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Added to the first post:
NEW: Revo Uninstaller Freeware v2.0.0 good for both 32bit and now 64bit

Download and Install
  • Third Party Utility  Included even though a third party utility due to recommendation.  Free and fuller featured pro versions available, this utility helps remove stubborn remnants standard uninstalls can leave behind. 
Very good uninstalling tool to keep installed on your system.
Daniel 😉
Userlevel 7
Nice one, Daniel...stupid of me not to think of doing that. Thanks for the update. ;)
Regards, Baldrick
Userlevel 5
are trustable these software removal tools like revo uninstaller or your uninstaller...?
Userlevel 7
Hi ParhamThe only one that I can vouch for in the list as I have a license for it and have used it extensively without issues is Revo Uninstaller.As we cannot really discuss other products here I will PM you some further thoughts.Hope that helps?Regards, Baldrick
i have a question what about bios UEfi and registry edit how do you resolve that. i used hitman pro and adware, JRT from malware and had great turn outs beside the rkill and CMDrogue restarting the computer and what ever takes over my credentials and admin account and then i have to reinstll windows again and he is back in there. i have lost 2 computers and have 3 more down. and lost 1 phone but att replaced it. but he is somehow using developement mode behind my eyes and beaming or casting to my phones and leaving me down with no way to comunicate. i have paid micro and paid dell and paid mcafe and avg and track off and no results but reinstall and attack it again and lose my phone and data. the problem is i try to clean browser for programs to run . because if you install he hasbtge security rights to change tbs way it runs half way thru when i think im ahead and reboot to clean he take over admin and i have to sign in on his and hes ready no access to anything no rights no programs . im at lost i have even formated thru comand but they always win. the computers ate 5 months old and my gs7 is 4. windows pro on dell3656 insp. well if your interest we wll chat. i only about 3300.00 down right now im begging to think no one can help me. it all about killing the Hey Locai but i noy nowing about thr reistry but alot of vales are changed. i also see the cmd flash before ibreinstall im thi king hes exe some kind on command to stop installs from prperly installing.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Hello @ and Welcome to the Webroot Community!
Are you a user of Webroot SecureAnywhere and if so what product are you using?
Now if you had WSA installed or even installed after these things have happen I would suggest that you Submit a Support Ticket so they can see your scan logs and they will help you resolve your issues.
Daniel 😉
