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New user - Questions about LastPass vs WR password manager

  • January 22, 2014
  • 9 replies

Hi everyone - BRAND new (like 6 hours new) user here, and I have a couple of questions about the WR Password manager as it relates to it's kissin' cousin LastPass. 
I have two people in my household (my son and myself) and we both use LastPass. Now that I have WR PW Manager available, I have a few questions. I saw some of these addressed piece-meal, and in older posts, so i didn't want to assume those answers were still current.
1) What, besides the one-stop shopping of an integrated solution, are the pros to using WR vs LP? What are the cons?
2) As I mentioned, my son and I currently have our own individual LP accounts - how does WR handle multiple users with regards to privacy (if it does)? 
Thanks for any input - and let me say, I'm already amazed at the level of cooperation and community I've seen, and support from the Webroot team. Coming over from Norton, i think I'm gonna like it here.

9 replies

Gold VIP
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  • January 22, 2014
Hello CaptBananaPants and welcome to the Webroot Community!
If you liked the LastPass, I think you will like the Webroot Password Manager as well: it is actually a licensed - rebranded form of LastPass! 
It should handle multiple users JUST like LastPass when it comes to the the browser extension and sign-in.  You do have access to your passwords in your Account Console, but please note that while you can assign Password access to individual profiles, each profile can ONLY access it's own Passwords.  Even an admin profile on the account cannot access the Passwords of the other users on the same key code.

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  • January 22, 2014
We are pretty commited here.... in the past we had another user changing from Norton trying to import from the Norton Password system and there was not a template in the list for it.  It might take me some time to find that old thread, but we managed to give him instructions on how to manually import his Norton CSV into Excel, modify the columns, re-export to a new CSV and import that into Webroot's.  It took a couple of tries to get it right but we got it done!

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  • January 22, 2014
I found it:  I forgot they made a KB Article about it once we got it working.  If you have password data in Norton you need also, try it out!

Thanks, but no need - Norton has been on a slow burn for a while with me; their incompatibilities with Chrome (and stubborn refusal to preemptvely work on coming problems) killed their Identity Safe functionality for me a while ago (thus the switch to LastPass). You're correct that it was a bit hairy converting their CSV into LastPass, but I managed by importing ot into Excel first to do the column manipulations. I'm sure if I switch to the WR PWM, it'll be much smoother.
EDIT: You repiled as i was writing this - thanks for posting the KB link anyway!

Popular Voice
  • Popular Voice
  • 365 replies
  • January 22, 2014
David...he must be related to Daniel....with a name like Banana Pants! I'd almost bet they're cousins!!!:D  Welcome aboard Captain!  RR

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 47 replies
  • October 22, 2014
Love the program. But there is one thing that bothers me some, more of a nuisence than anything is that the pasword manager you need to log in each time a browser is opened. It would be great if you could log in and use the password manager system across browsers. I build websites and have multiple browsers open at any given time and having to log in each occurence is frustrating. Not to mention if i close the broswers for any reason.  I know it saves the email, yet that still wont work.
Question is there some chance this can be setup or made to save the password?... Better yet login and password manager is available for the entire session, cross browser until you log out or system restart. Dropping Norton recently this was a feature they had and it was the only thing i miss at this point. I think i see lastpass will retain password to address this. i would hate to drop webroots solution, yet I may do that if this cant be addressed.   Thanks for listening.

Gold VIP
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  • October 22, 2014
Hello Datagg, 
You should probably address this in the Ideas area.  That might be an area in which Webroot can discuss with LastPass to have the PM improved.
I will note, however, that up to around a year ago my own Password Manager did do this, sort of.  In Chrome, and only Chrome, the login and password could both be saved, so while the PM still logged out with the closing of the browser, I merely had to make a quick click of the Login button to log back in.  Also, once logged into Chrome, if I opened FireFox or IE, the Password Manager would automatically be logged in.
I mentioned this, and was advised that the behavior of the Login and Password both being saved in Chrome was not intentional, and probably would be changed.
Personally, I agree with you.  I am fully capable of a hard log out of the PM prior to shutting down the computer, but until then I would like it to work just as it did before, and as you are asking now.
If you post it, I will Kudo it.

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 47 replies
  • October 22, 2014
Thanks David. I posted in there. Hope my title expalins what I mean. Kinda hard to think best how to state it.
Thanks .

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
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  • October 22, 2014
Replied and Kudo'd.
