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How do I place this program so that Webroot excepts it?


Hi Hal1


Welcome to the Community Forums.


You cannot actually 'exclude' folder, files or programs in WSA at the moment but we are hoping that the feature will be provided soon.


What you have to do is to 'Allow' the program, i.e., effectively tell WSA not to block it. To do that click on the gear/cog symbol to the right of the PC Security tab in the main app panel, and for the next panel displayed click on the 'Block/Allow Files' tab.


Once in the tab you need to click on the 'Add File' button, navigate to the program folder, select the relevant executable and then click 'Open' to register it the list of files. Then find the new entry in the list and make sure that the entry has 'Allow' set as its status. 


That should tell WSA to allow the program rather than blocking it. GIve that a try and let us know if it works for you.


Regards, Baldrick
