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PC - Uninstallation Option Missing from Control Panel

PC - Uninstallation Option Missing from Control Panel
  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1581 replies
It could happen that uninstallation options for SecureAnywhere could be missing from the Control Panel or Start menu. If you want to uninstall SecureAnywhere and are unable to do so because of the options are missing, here are some steps you can try to resolve the problem:
Option 1: Ensure correct display settings
  1. Open the main interface.
  2. Click Settings, then choose Basic Configuration.
  3. Un-check the boxes next to Show Webroot in the Start Menu and Show Webroot in Add/Remove Programs.
  4. Click Save All. After saving your settings, repeat steps 1 and 2, then re-check the boxes next to Show Webroot in the Start Menu and Show Webroot in Add/Remove Programs. Then click Save All again.
  5. Once you have re-checked the correct options, try uninstalling Webroot from the Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs option, or from Start > All Programs > Webroot SecureAnywhere > Tools > Uninstall Webroot.
Option 2: If the method above does not work, you can run an uninstall command manually. Choose the correct instructions for your operating system. NOTE: Some users report that using "copy/paste will NOT work, so make sure you manually type the command please.
For Windows XP:
  1. Click Start, then click Run. The Run box opens.
  2. Type the following into the Run box, exactly as it appears below. Note: This path is for the default location. If you installed the program elsewhere, be sure to modify the path accordingly. "C:\Program Files\Webroot\WRSA.exe" –uninstall
  3. Click OK.
  4. When prompted to uninstall, click Yes.

For Windows Vista and Windows 7:
  1. Open the Start menu by clicking the Start icon.
  2. Type the following into the Start Search bar, exactly as it appears below. Note: This path is for the default location. If you installed the program elsewhere, be sure to modify the path accordingly. "C:\Program Files\Webroot\WRSA.exe" –uninstall
  3. Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
  4. When prompted to uninstall, click Yes.

For Windows 8 & 8.1:
  1. Move your cursor to the bottom right of the screen to open the Charm Bar menu.
  2. Click Search, then type the following into the Start Search bar, exactly as it appears below. Note: This path is for the default location. If you installed the program elsewhere, be sure to modify the path accordingly. "C:\Program Files\Webroot\WRSA.exe" –uninstall
  3. Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
  4. When prompted to uninstall, click Yes.

For Windows 10:
  1. Click the Search icon at the bottom of the screen in the Taskbar
  2. Type the following into the Start Search bar, exactly as it appears below. Note: This path is for the default location. If you installed the program elsewhere, be sure to modify the path accordingly. "C:\Program Files\Webroot\WRSA.exe" –uninstall
  3. Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
  4. When prompted to uninstall, click Yes.
If neither of the methods above is successful, please repeat the steps in Windows Safe Mode.
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33 replies

  • 11 replies
  • August 21, 2015
"C:Program FilesWRAfoldernameWRAexename.exe" -uninstall                          (using Vista option)
Users should be aware that when you performed the initial install, that WRA gives you an option to have WRA's files given a unique name for security purposes, so if they can't find the folder in Program Files, look deeper - TaskManager can help.

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • August 21, 2015
Well, I have never been offered the option to have that and to be perfectly honest I would say to people just don't mess with the naming convention as it does not really provide that much better security to be perfectly hones..

  • Fresh Face
  • 2 replies
  • August 26, 2015
 Option 1 didn't work for me, since none of those options displayed (on ver at least) , but Option 2 worked fine on Win 8.1.    I then just reinstalled from the dowload file.  All is fine now.

  • 494 replies
  • August 31, 2015
re: the initial install, that WRA gives you an option to have WRA's files given a unique name for security purposes...<here>
I was offered the option during recent install....
I read the reason as to assist install on infected machine....
The option was custom or advanced as I recall....
Can we get Option 1 corrected for v9.0.2.21 or reference the version that Option 1 is for....
I do not have Tools > Uninstall Webroot.
Option 1: 5. Start > All Programs > Webroot SecureAnywhere > Tools > Uninstall Webroot.

Gold VIP
What version of Windows? This is Windows 10

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • August 31, 2015
I think the point being made (not so clearly) here is that in the Start Menu items, pre Windows 10, if one 'exploded' the Webroot SecureAnywhere folder there was, as well as the WSA icon, a sub folder labelled 'Tools' and in that there was the option to 'Uninstall WSA'.
This now appears to be different under Windows subfolder so no access to the unistall options.
?, you seem to think for some reason that we have the power to make changes to the product or in this case fix a potential product issue...well, we are volunteers and we do not.
You should Open a Support ticket to let the Support Team know the 'issue' and they will no doubt contact the Development Team about it...that is the best approach to getting something fixed, not asking here whether it can or cannot be fixed.

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 7721 replies
  • August 31, 2015
Thank you ?and ?, I must admit that I really was not at all sure just what was being referred to.  
I have noted the 'missing' entry to uninstall in the Start menu.  As several of you know I would have made good use of it the last week or two.  It was, however, located in the Control Panel .
It seems to me that overall the normal style of program installations, and how they appear on the Start Menu, may be changing.  At the moment, going over my ENTIRE Start Menu list of programs, I can find but only three total that list an Uninstall option, and those are all carryovers from Windows 7.  I have not a single uninstall option from software installed originally under Windows 10.
Perhaps this KB Article might simply be re-named to being "PC - Uninstallation Option Missing from Control Panel"  The install options of WSA, available to be changed in Advanced Options, have the option of leaving WSA off the Start Menu to begin with, but no such option exists for the Control Panel.  Since the option exists in WSA to have no listing in the Start Menu, it is not surprising we will get questions about the lack of an uninstall located there.  The Control Panel, on the other hand, always has it listed by default and by available normal install choices.  (We all know that sometimes other things interfere causing it to not be listed in the Control Panel, such as Endpoint install options, but that is a different subject than I am covering here.)

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • August 31, 2015
A good point well made, David.  I too have noticed that the number of applications with an uninstall option in the Start Menu under Windows 10  has diminished althoough there are still some as yo uhave pointed out.  Hence, my questioning as to whether it is a 'fix' that is required?
Perhaps we should be even more concise and call the thread/topic "PC - Uninstallation Option Missing"...and adjust the OP to add a Windows 10 specific section (as there is for the prior versions of Windows) in which we could highlight the 'missing' Start Menu item as no longer being avaialble, etc.?
Regards, Baldrick

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 7721 replies
  • August 31, 2015
?  I have gone ahead and done an unpublished Edit, with revision notes for Nic to read over and approve or dissaprove, of our discussion above regarding the title of the KB.

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • August 31, 2015
Kwel, to paraphrase a much respected friend! :D

  • 494 replies
  • August 31, 2015
Baldrick wrote:
?, you seem to think for some reason that we have the power to make changes to the product or in this case fix a potential product issue...well, we are volunteers and we do not.
The Community is moderated.   No one asked you to do anything.  I posted to the Community. 
The Community must be moderated.  
Perhaps the Community is not moderated by Webroot Admins.  
Maybe the Community is solely moderated by volunteers.
Surely volunteer moderators have reach out power.  
Before assuming what I think.   Perhaps, you would "ask".  
You seem to think.....based upon what.   That I wrote.   Can we...
Can we in the global sense... putting it out there for Community discussion.   At least one other member was unable to follow Option 1.   So, I seconded that observation.  I was also not able to follow Option 1.
Can we as a Community prompt update to perhaps not relevant information. 
Why would I open a ticket for an internal Community matter. 
If there were a dead link in the Community.  I wouldn't open a ticket.
I'd ask the Community to fix.  
Why would I open a ticket for not product support.  
I'm curious whether I should have Uninstall.   Maybe not.  But, Option 1 suggests I should have Uninstall.
Can we is not asking you.   Can we is asking the Community. 
As a member.  I'm trying to follow Guidelines and further Community goals. 
Jeez, give a guy a chance.   We were all newbies once.  Even you.

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • August 31, 2015
I will not bother gracing your inital lines with a reply...that would be futile, as how the Community is run is not down to me or any other volunteer member.
The functionality available under Windows 10 in not an internal Community matter but rather a Webroot Development Team/Support Team matter.
You have raised a functional point so the Development Team/SupportTeam should advise as to whether it is something they can change or not, of if they want to or not, therefore Support Ticket, as the quickest way of bring it to their attention.
If they decide that they can or will bring the 'missing' fucntionality back then all is need for change. If however they do not want to or cannot then they wil advise and thereafter we can change the KB Article to reflect the position for users of Windows 10.  Previous versions of Windows are covered separately...and so it seems fitting that Windows 10 peculairites should be covered in a similar fashion.

  • 494 replies
  • August 31, 2015
I'm running W8.1 ...  :D

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • August 31, 2015
Yes, but of course, you would be wouldn't you:D...and under my Windows 8.1 installation I see precisely what was described above previously...Start Menu > Webroot > Tools > Uninstall.
Sounds like a faulty installation so best you try an uninstall/clean install to see if that fixes it, and if it does not then you have a functional open a Support Ticket. I am sure that the Support Team will be pleased to hear from you and look to investigate and sort out the issue for you.

  • 494 replies
  • August 31, 2015
Hello Baldrick,
So, I should see Start Menu > Webroot > Tools > Uninstall
Hmm, Okay
So, Option 1 does apply and is valid for W8.1
I'm also running W10 but, have not added Webroot as yet. 
based upon
by joecompute Wednesday Option 1 didn't work for me, since none of those options displayed (on ver at least) , but Option 2 worked fine on Win 8.1.  I then just reinstalled from the dowload file.  All is fine now.
My setup is W8.1 on version also.
So, I need a refresh install. 

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • August 31, 2015
Hi bjm_
The KB article in question was originally written by Jim, Nic's predecessor as Community Manager.  You may have noticed that he has authored a large number of the KBs avaialble, as he was very technical and actually was involved in setting up the Commuinty from the start. He is now retired but his legacy remains.
And I am being to wonder if the whole of this KB needs revamping. Having read your previous post a number of times and thenreread the KB Article a number of time too, I suspect that apologies from me to you are in order because we do not have a "Basic Configuration" option anymore...the current is Advanced Settings > Install Settings, and whilst there is a "Show Webroot in the Start Menu" or words to that effect there is no "Show Webroot in Add/Remove Programs. or words to that effect and from what I can see this has not existed in any version since the GUI changed way back.
So, with apology extended, I suspect that the bottom line is as follows:
The Option 1 in the KB article needs to be changed to reflect the current position re. the Install Settings page & Option 2 needs to be reviewd and a separate section added, as per previous versions of Windows, to highlight the differences when using Windows 10.
I believe that David is in the process of a review of the KB Article so i will communicate with him and suggest the above to him...he can hopefully take a look and advise/update accordingly before submitting the revised KB to Nic for approval (as per the house rules).
I hope that goes some way to clarifying the situation as far as I see it...but double check as I may be incorrect.

  • 494 replies
  • September 2, 2015
Hi Baldrick,
brief update:
Ran control panel uninstall > restart > reinstall.  No joy. 
I have another program that does not render the expected "Uninstall".
I'm running Classic Shell.  So, nothing to sort because maybe Classic Shell is causing. 
Although, I have "Uninstall" for other programs. 
Just a system annomoly. 
Appreciate your time and interest and support. 

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 7721 replies
  • September 3, 2015
Updated: Windows 10 Command Prompt directions added.  More updates expected.

  • Moderator
  • 21828 replies
  • September 3, 2015
Thank you very much ?It's wonderful to have this updated now! Great job!:D

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 7721 replies
  • September 3, 2015
Just a simple copy/paste and change a few words.   :)

  • Moderator
  • 21828 replies
  • September 3, 2015
Well it will lead to better passages? LOLs;)

Popular Voice
  • Popular Voice
  • 110 replies
  • September 28, 2015
Thanks everyone for the great info!

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 7721 replies
  • September 28, 2015
You are most welcome.  If you find anything in the steps above that is incorrect, do please let us know so we can correct it.  :)

  • 1 reply
  • June 29, 2016
Old thread but in case someone else is having problems with these instructions on Windows 10, a small mod to the uninstall command worked for me
"C:Program Files (x86)WebrootWRSA.exe" -uninstall

  • New Voice
  • 5 replies
  • December 4, 2016

I can not delete it, I removed it from my computer, but the remains remain