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Hello gentlemen, Webroot Antivirus team

My website on the domain: 

I would like to kindly request the “Webroot Antivirus Team” to reevaluate my domain and remove the warning in internet browsers.
The site is registered at without any incident record

Luis Matias

Hello ​@luisjmatias 


You need to contact BrightCloud and they will sort it out for you as they look after website ratings!




Hi, as ​@TripleHelix said, it’s best to contact Brightcloud to get a second opinion on your site. You are currently on quite a lot of phishing databases and there are some questionable pop ups on your site to push notifications to browsers. 

I would have your IT or hosting/Domain team scrub your site over a few more times and ensure your content mgmt platform along with all your email accounts are secure, because if it were me deciding to take your domain off a blacklist, I wouldn’t. Your domain doesn’t even have proper mail security like DMARC setup correctly or fully. 

John H

Hello ​@luisjmatias 


I see they unblocked it!


Click on picture to see full size!


