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The Windows 10 Action Center is constantly giving me a notification to check my antivirus software. The message states that both Webroot and Windows Defender are turned off. When I check Security and Maintenance in the Control Panel, it says that Webroot Secure Anywhere virus protection and spyware protection is turned on. I just recently started receiving this notification after months of running the computer with the upgrade to Windows 10. I do have Windows Defender turned off, because my prefernce is to run Webroot. I have run several "deep" scans with my Webroot app with zero threats found. Any suggestions?
That is indeed the case, Daniel. I am not seeing the issue on any of my systems...all running latest Windows 10 release & latest version of WSA.


Uninstall/reinstall seems to have worked. Looks like we've never left the "old days" when Windows Update broke something and that usually fixed the problem. I appreciated your providing the download link; but, Webroot was smart enough to provide me a link to re-download the installer with keycode, and it installed with my keycode already there.




I would wait a while and see what happens after a bit of time and a few reboots as we have had reports of initial success followed by a re-emergence of the issue...unfortunately.

You were right. I rebooted about three times just for fun, and everything seemed OK. But, while I was using Thunderbird 38.7.0 to compose an email message, the notification popped up. That reminded me about when the notifications often were popping up. This may or may not add another dimension to the issue, but that's what happened here.
See here:




Daniel 😉
@ wrote:

You were right. I rebooted about three times just for fun, and everything seemed OK. But, while I was using Thunderbird 38.7.0 to compose an email message, the notification popped up. That reminded me about when the notifications often were popping up. This may or may not add another dimension to the issue, but that's what happened here.

I assure I take no pleasure in seeing that I havve been proved right. I hope that Webroot manage to get to the bottom of this soon, and am sure that theynare doing their best..

same problem here.Tried the services,changed from "Automatic (Delayed)" to "Automatic.Clicked apply.Still getting notifications.Checked the setting and is still on automatic.Very annoying.When check security,shows webroot is on.
Hi clarkstreet


Welcome to the Community Forums.


We very much sympathise with your plight and all that we can say is that the Support Team continue to work on trying to find a fix for an issue that Microsoft have introduced by making changes in the OS (delivered by a recent WIndow Update). Unfortunately, as you might well will not be easy dealing with MS on this as it is not just a case of WSA that is broken for some users but also other security apps that have to communicate with the Security Centre.


Regards, Baldrick
Just wanted to add my experience.This first time Action Center reported this(probably about 3 weeks ago-no restart or patches involved-I was in the middle of watching a 2 hour video)),I found WebRoot turned off and Windows Defender was running a scan.When Windows Defender finished,I turned WebRoot back on and WD off.Since then I get Action Center reports about twice a day,but I have never found WebRoot turned off again.I am going to wait until there is  an official fix.
This problem persists nearly 3 weeks (!) after being first reported. We hear from sympathic moderators but no real progress. Many other security products that compete in this space are not experiencing the same problem. At some point patience will wear thin. I can not advance the use of Webroot products to clients with a signficant Win 10 presense given the annoying and potentially ominous notifications that appear 2-3 times per day. 
Hi Davey126


Understand the frustration but unfortunately, as far as I understand it (i) the issue was caused by changes in Windows and therefore to a certain extent the Webroot Support Team are on the back foot as a result, (ii) the issue only affects some users NOT all, (iii) and there in is the rub as when trying to identify the cause of such a problem it is more difficult when it only manifests itself some of the time and then only for some users, & (iv) finally, when producing a fix for those affected one has to be very, very careful to not adversely affect thos not affected by the that may only make matters worse.


I am sure that the Support Team are doing all that they can to get to the bottom of this. But if you feel very strongly about this I would Open a Support Ticket to let them know first hand.


Regards, Baldrick
Thanks. Understand the issues/obstacles but also understand there are enough users experiencing this problem that it can not be described as 'ellusive' (my term). Also realize the importance of comprehensive regression testing but to date there is no indication a fix has been found no less undergoing testing. That suggests a deployable fix is weeks (if not months) away. Unlikely I will stick around that long. That said, I appreciate the prompt response; not barking at you or the other mods :)


Yes, I will open a support ticket but don't have any expecations that it will improve the current situation.
Hi Davey126


I assure you that your post was definitively not seen as 'barking' at was an excellent post.


Appreciate the position from your perspective...having said that have you tried the 'fix' as presented in this previous thread? It cannot to be said to be a permament fix for all sufferers of this issue as we have had reports from some uses that after an initial period of no popups/normality the issue reapears after a few reboots.


Having said that, if you ahve not tried it it may be worth a go just in case yo are one of the ones for whom it does.


Hope that you hang on and remain in the Webroot Family. ;)


Regards, Baldrick
Thanks. I was aware of this workaround (partially disable Windows Security Center) but opted not to go that route as I do want to be notified of any problems in this least those Windows detects. This notification is proven to be valuable when an installed security product has gone 'belly up' with no native notification. A competitors product does this on occation; Windows Security Center is the only overt notification that is received. Yikes!


FWIW - I have implemented the the delayed service startup workaround which prevents being spammed on reboots but does not prevent ongoing notifications (2-3x per day on my primary workstation).
Well, it was worth checking/making sure that you had the latest information.


Hang in there...I have a feeling that it will be sorted soon. ;)
Webroot should proactively notify every customer of this problem -- and the solution.  Their customer will obviously be very worried when Windows 10 repeatedly tells them, "Your AV protection is turned OFF!! -- Click here to do something NOW!"  


Webroot should not leave customers hanging out to dry -- searching Google for answers.


Mark Hays


Hello BVilleBound


Welcome to the Webroot Community,


Please have a look here as this problem is not only with Webroot but with other AVs.


Webroot is doing there best to fix this issue. It's hard to watch all this happening with Webroot and the Windows Security Center.


So I don't believe it would be feasible to reply to everybody. Alot of us are not having this issue and I have 3 PCs running Windows 10 without these popups. I quess I am the fortunate not to have this issue. We wish we could figure out why this only happens to some and not others.


We are sorry for everyones frustrations and inconviences that is happening to but it looks like our hands are tied.


I agree with BVilleBound.  I'm not expecting the company to reply to every email, but sending out a mass email notification to their subscribers to let us know they're are aware of the problem and working on a solution would go a long way.  They are certainly able to contact us when it's time to renew our subscription, so they can also contact us when there is a problem like this affecting so may of their customers.
Hello TucsonST


Welcome to the Webroot Community,


We appreciate all that you have to say. As this would be helpful if possible to notifiy mass Webroot users.


But this issue is also the fact that other AV's are having the same issues.


As being on the Webroot Beta team there is a fix is in the next Webroot release and that will be released soon


Please have a look here that explains more:


Does Microsoft email their mass users when there is a problem? Just saying...:D


@ wrote:

Hello TucsonST


Welcome to the Webroot Community,


We appreciate all that you have to say. As this would be helpful if possible to notifiy mass Webroot users.


But this issue is also the fact that other AV's are having the same issues.


As being on the Webroot Beta team there is a fix is in the next Webroot release and that will be released soon


Please have a look here that explains more:


Does Microsoft email their mass users when there is a problem? Just saying...:D



I hate to point this out but your response saying that other AV vendors are having the same problem is in error.  All of the posts you referenced are from 1 to 2 years ago, a couple were from 2011.  Webroot needs to move quicker on this issue, and your response could be construed as misleading.
Like Sherry said we Beta testers are using a version that fixes this issue and should be released to everyone very soon.




@ wrote:

Webroot should proactively notify every customer of this problem -- and the solution.  Their customer will obviously be very worried when Windows 10 repeatedly tells them, "Your AV protection is turned OFF!! -- Click here to do something NOW!"  


Webroot should not leave customers hanging out to dry -- searching Google for answers.


Mark Hays



@ wrote:

I agree with BVilleBound.  I'm not expecting the company to reply to every email, but sending out a mass email notification to their subscribers to let us know they're are aware of the problem and working on a solution would go a long way.  They are certainly able to contact us when it's time to renew our subscription, so they can also contact us when there is a problem like this affecting so may of their customers.

It's just cosmetic as WSA is still protecting you and it took time as Webroot had to converse with Microsoft because of recent Windows Updates:


Just be patient a fix will be out soon.




This problem is largely, if not exclusively confined to Webroot. A web search does not yield (recent) widespread complaints about any other AV product and the Windows Notification Center. Plenty of hits for Webroot. I appreciate the moderators prompt and encouraging responses but this problem has really left a sour taste for Secure Anywhere. To top it off I starting receiving "your personal security report" pop-ups on multiple workstations which apparently can not be suppressed (must be clicked away)! No way can this be deployed to a client base were any unfamiliar pop-up will generate a call to the support center. Glad I opted to evalute with a smaller customer first.


Back to the product that is baked into Win 10 (which shall not be mentioned by name).
Hello ?


I'm aplogize for saying that other AVs are having this similair issue. I Ineglected to check the time line on my link..  I am a Volunteer here that tries to help others the best way I can. So I don't always have the right answers to these questions but I do care about the Webroot members and Webroot itself. This is not a perfect world with perfect AV's. None are 100%. Of course I don't need to tell you that.


I still say Webroot stands behind their product and the Webroot Developers do the best they can IMO ...





Hi Sherry (@Ssherjj)


No disrespect intended. As previously noted I very much appreciate the prompt responses and encouraging tone from the moderators of this forum. Several weeks back someone (poster or moderator) mentioned multiple AVs experiencing this problem and the statement simply carried forward. I share your optimism regarding the upcoming release and hope it clears the Win 10 notification problem. The other type of annoying pop-up (personal security report) has been an issue for 18+ months based on reports other posters. It would seem the Webroot devs and/or marketing folks have opted to retain this 'feature' - possibly as a remider of which AV product is on duty as most hide in the system tray unoticed on a clean system. 
