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Windows 10 Action Center Notification

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  • Moderator
  • 21832 replies
  • April 11, 2016
Hi Davey126,
Thank you and I appreciate your responses. I wish I could help with the Personal Security Reports. Because I do hear of this occuring....and all we can say is to click out of them. :@:
Anyways have a Good night! ;)

Gold VIP
@ wrote:
No disrespect intended. As previously noted I very much appreciate the prompt responses and encouraging tone from the moderators of this forum. Several weeks back someone (poster or moderator) mentioned multiple AVs experiencing this problem and the statement simply carried forward. I share your optimism regarding the upcoming release and hope it clears the Win 10 notification problem.
@ @
I'm the one that posted the link to other AV's were having those issues as well but true some are not in the same timelime but it does show other AV's had simular issues to what WSA is having for the past month with Action Center. There have been so many changes in Windows 10 which will cause these types of issues and here is a new Google search with recent results:
And from a month ago:
Daniel 😉

  • New Voice
  • 12 replies
  • April 11, 2016
Fair enough. It does show that key words matter when searching; your query is remarkably simple yet effective in identifying a number of competing products with similar issues (I may have been too specific). That said, the duration of this problem annoying and seems to disproportionately impact Secure Anywhere products. Or perhaps Webroot users are just more vocal. 
Looking forward to a fix. 

  • Moderator
  • 21832 replies
  • April 11, 2016
Great Daniel! Much appreciated... I searched myself but I did not search properly.:@
Thank you for further information! I do feel much better now knowing this! ;)

Gold VIP
Well it's been over a month! Also I don't have this issue on my 2 Laptops with Windows 10 and most of us VIP's didn't as well so I couldn't reproduce and that made it confusing to why some had this issue and some didn't. And hopefully they will release a new version ASAP like today would be nice.

  • Moderator
  • 21832 replies
  • April 11, 2016
It's really been hard on us in the fact that we cannot reproduce this issue. I totally agree. In fact I have 3 systems running Windows 10 without these popups. One is a 64bit and 2 a 32 bit. Two were a clean install of W 10 and one was an upgrade. So very strange isn't it. I think we have thoughtr of everything to figure out why the notifcations happen to some and not all. Oh and also to mention I have different model machines as well.

  • New Voice
  • 12 replies
  • April 14, 2016
Latest cumulative Win 10 updates (released this week) did not resolve the issue. Another disappointment. Switching back to the integrated anti-mailware solution (can't be named) which is perfectly adequate if don't engage in high-risk activities. Toss in an anti-exploit kit and you have the equivelent of Webroot w/o the annoying notifications. Disabling Windows security center monitoring is not a responsible workaround. 

Gold VIP
Actually is was fixed as we Beta testers were testing it and Tuesdays Windows Updates broke it again. :@
Daniel 😠

  • 25 replies
  • April 14, 2016
Forgive me for being skeptical of your response TripleHelix, this has dragged on entirely too long.  In various Webroot forums we've heard that the countless reported symptoms cant be duplicated, users (Myself included) have offered remote access to their machines with no acceptance from Webroot, and now we hear of a supposed fix that was being tested but the latest Windows updates broke it again.  I find it very hard to believe, just sayin..... 

Gold VIP
All I can say is I sent an email to my Webroot contacts and waiting for a reply to this continuing issue as it seems the last 2 Patch Tuesdays have broken WSA in Action Center but I don't see this issue and can't reproduce myself. But be sure WSA is working as it should and protecting all of it's users but it's a message from Action Center saying it's off when it's not.

  • 25 replies
  • April 14, 2016
I know it, just very frustrated.......  Sorry.

Gold VIP
@ wrote:
I know it, just very frustrated.......  Sorry.
I feel your frustrations and it's warranted.  😠

I've been getting this notification lately under Windows 10.  I can see the Webroot icon indicating that everything is fine, so I'll just ignore and wait for a fix.

  • Moderator
  • 21832 replies
  • April 15, 2016
Hi ?,
Welcome to the Webroot Community,
We appreciate your patience in this matter. And us Beta Testers are working on this and we expect an update soon that will resolve this issue.
Thank you..

  • New Voice
  • 12 replies
  • April 29, 2016
I waited awhile (several days) before posting just to make sure ...
The faux Win 10 Action Center notification issue appears to have abated on my primary workstation following a reboot. Nothing of note was installed just prior to or immediately following the reboot other than KB3119142 which is related to 2012 Visual C++. Seems an unlikely correlation. Not sure what happened when - just happy the spamming has stopped. Yeah!

@ wrote:
I waited awhile (several days) before posting just to make sure ...
The faux Win 10 Action Center notification issue appears to have abated on my primary workstation following a reboot. Nothing of note was installed just prior to or immediately following the reboot other than KB3119142 which is related to 2012 Visual C++. Seems an unlikely correlation. Not sure what happened when - just happy the spamming has stopped. Yeah!
Thank you for letting us know @

Community Guide
  • Community Guide
  • 56 replies
  • May 4, 2016
I checked back here to see what was up with this issue, and I have not experienced it since I replaced my wireless router two weekends ago; that has to be a coincidence.
