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WSA for PC Gamers Import/Export Settings doesn't work

  • 1 February 2014
  • 22 replies

I had WSA AV for PC Gamers installed on my ASUS G750JX Laptop just 2 days ago where I have configured it and saved the configuration.


All I changed in the settings was:


- Disabled require Captcha

- Enabled System Optimizer Scheduler


That's it!


Today I installed WSA AV for PC Gamers on my wife's laptop and imported the settings and here's what I got:


PS: Both of us have version v8.0.4.46


PS 2: How do you insert an image inline in the post?

Hi MaXimus


Hope that you are well?  I do not believe that you can use settings exported from one installation as the import to a different installation, even for the same version of the same product.  I have not tried this myself but I do recall hearing somethng to that effect way back in discussions over in the PrevX forum at Wilders.  Therefore it would not be a bug but a design feature...if yo see what I mean...but perhaps one of the Webroot Team can shed some light on this @ 


In the interim as I have two systems running the same version of the same product (WSAC) and I will give it a try myself shortly, to see if I can replicate what you are reporting.


BTW, I have tried further to export settings and then prove that they do not import back properly/fully but I have yet to reproduce I am scratching my head a bit on that...any joy David re. your attempts? @ 








So far I have not had the import fail, but I am not done with my own testing yet.  I have a couple more things I want to try to reproduce the issue before I make my own opinion.  I should be able to get that done this weekend hopefully!
Cheers David


Same here but I am still trying, plus having a go at the new flavour issue that MaXimus advised on.  Hope to have something on that shortly.





Hi Maximus


Test carried out and I must have imagined the constraint I mentioned as believe to have heard about my test worked.


Running WSAC v8.0.4.50 (which is the latest beta BTW) on separate Win 7 64bit &  Win 8.1 32bit systems.  Exported from Win 7, transferred the exported config file to the Win 8.1 system.  On checked ALL checked flags in WSAC on the Win 8.1 system, saved the configuration, and then imported the Win 7 based WSAC configurations into the Win 8.1 version...PERFECTLY.  No message preventing this and no difference in the settings between both copies of WSAC in a side by side comparison... I am I am sure that yo are not imagining the issue.  Are you sure that the versions of WSA are exactly the same in terms of product & version?  If yo believe that they are then I think that the only thing that I can recommend is that you Open a Support Ticket so that the Support Team can take a look at this.


Apologies but I have nothing more to suggest at this point.


Let us know what Support say if you do decide to open that ticket.





Thanks a lot for the fast replies as usual. I am almost certain that the versions are the same but cannot guaranteee 100% as I didn't write tthem down so maybe I made a mistake with the version numbers.

I will not log a ticket as this issue is non critical and there are only 2 settings that I change in Webroot AV usually, to enable the optimizer scheduler and disable the captcha verification on option change

Since you tested it and it works, we can mark this as solved now 🙂
Hi MaXimus


Thanks for the heads up.  If you find that you are getting more than just those two settings not imported properly then please post back and we can take a further look.  There are new versions being issued and so things can change.


All the best and hope to see you around in the future.





@MaXimus wrote:

Thanks a lot for the fast replies as usual. I am almost certain that the versions are the same but cannot guaranteee 100% as I didn't write tthem down so maybe I made a mistake with the version numbers.

I will not log a ticket as this issue is non critical and there are only 2 settings that I change in Webroot AV usually, to enable the optimizer scheduler and disable the captcha verification on option change

Since you tested it and it works, we can mark this as solved now :)
I am glad you are happy with the current state, but I have to admit that I am not LOL!  I had an instance a few months back in which my settings did not import correctly.  I am pretty sure I know the cause, but now I am curious again and the OCD in me is coming out LOL.  I am going to do a little bit of fidding and see what I can find.
alright bro, let's see what you can find
It will be a day or two before I am done.. uninstalling/reinstalling with notes is something I do when I can concentrate.  That means middle of the day is no good cause the kids wont let me do it uninterrupted, but I will get it done 🙂
I had version installed when I exported my settings. I formatted my PC and reinstalled Windows 7 Pro and then reinstalled that same WSA version. When I imported my settings, here are my findings:

1- Enabled scheduled optimization was checked when I exported the settings, upon importing them again, it wasn't checked

2- Firewall rule was set to "Warn if any new, untrusted process connects to the Internet", that setting was imported just fine

3- Require Captcha = Off, that settings was also imported just fine

4- System Optimizer options were not imported properly, I had to re-check all the stuff that I want to be cleaned

So there are some settings which do not import properly (or maybe they weren't exported properly who knows)
Hi MaXimus


Hope that you are doing OK?


I have tried a number of times to get a difference between what I have apparently exported and what I import...and I have failed miserably.


Given that you are getting a precise set of issues which I am assuming that you are able to reproduce, then I would suggest that you Open a Support Ticket and let Support take a look at this for you.





Ticket submitted
Hi MaXimus


Do let us know what Support come back with and if they manage to trace/resolve the issue, as it may help others who may report the same or similar problems in the future.





I got a reply, very quick I must say. It's more of an explanation as to why this is happening although what doesn't make sense is that IT IS the same computer with the exact same software installed, but whatever, I'm not gonna put more time into this it takes a few seconds to set those options:





The last one which was the System Optimizer, that is normal that it did not keep all the settings you had set. Every computer is different and has different programs installed, so the Optimizer list will always be different each computer you install Webroot on. When you reinstall the operating system its a whole new computer with different programs then you had before and some of the old programs that come pre-installed with Windows.

The regular system settings you change within Webroot should stay, the System Optimizer by default does not set itself up because some people want to keep certain temp files so that by default will always default to a manual scan.


Webroot Support Team
Hi MaXimus


Thanks for posting back and sharing this.  I have to admit that like I am a bit baffled by the response, especially given what yo say clearly...that you exported from you PC and then imported to the same PC (or  have I misunderstood?) which sort of debunks the notion of the difference being due to a different PC, etc.


But as you say, if you know where the 'changes' will be and there are not many then it is probably quicker to reset them as you want them rather than follow up on this.  I will continue to try to replicate what you are seeing, looking specifically at the System Optimizer aspect...and will post back or PM you if I find anything different.


Sorry I cannot be of more help re. this.


Have a great week.





Yes I wasn't very pleased with their response, seems like someone wasn't in the mood to work or raise the issue but just wanted to close the ticket.

Anyway, what I usually do, is format my laptop (an ASUS G750JX) then install all windows udpates, then create an image using Macrium Reflect.

Next, I install all drivers, then all software, then finally...the AV

so what I did was, I simply reverted back to the checkpoint image of that same Windows installation. Reinstalled all the software + drivers again (exact same version numbers) then installed WSA, so it is the exact same pc on the exact same windows with the exact same software
Sorry that you had a bad support experience @ 


Would you like me to look up the ticket and see if we can get someone to follow up again? 
Looks pretty much 'same' to me.  I will have to see if I can reproduce...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I appreciate your concern Mr. nic, don't worry about it as I said, setting my options takes me less than 60 seconds it's not a deal breaker, only wanted to work with them to get a fix for the masses but they're not interested and now I'm not as well 🙂
@MaXimus wrote:

I appreciate your concern Mr. nic, don't worry about it as I said, setting my options takes me less than 60 seconds it's not a deal breaker, only wanted to work with them to get a fix for the masses but they're not interested and now I'm not as well :)
Yeah, driving improvements can be a tough job, and support is usually more focussed on issue resolution.  One of the first things on my plate is updating all the Ideas Exchange and Feature Requests, so hopefully I can help getting some of this stuff in front of the right people!
Speaking of Ideas Exchange, any idea if my suggestion is going to be implemented, I mean c'mon, who uses bytes to calculate how much space is being cleaned? this is strange, furthermore, after the cleaning is done, the result is displayed in MB (as in, XXX MB cleaned) so why on earth is it during the cleaning, it is displayed in bytes? >>>>
Yeah I saw that one and agree.  I'm collating all the ones that have come in since Jim left, and then once I have my updated list then I'll be figuring out the process of getting that info to the right people.  And I can personally champion the ones I happen to think are awesome 🙂
