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diffrent installation ?

  • 23 September 2016
  • 23 replies

Hi Webrooters,


i just did change my windows, and install for the first time WSA on it,

but allways WSA ask my email before finish the installation, this time it did not ask and just did a scan and finished ! is it normaL?:)


Even if Webroot has been installed before, I have always received the section to enter an email address.


Perhaps the installer has changed and no longer asks it? I may have to try myself and see what happens.
Hi Parham,


I really don't know why it doesn't ask every time. I have installed Webroot dozens of times and it only asked for my email about half the time, if that.


Perhaps ? can shed some light on this?



Thanks for the replies.


I will grateful really if you test with a new Installer and let me know if for you was the same also

thanks guys;)
I just downloaded the currently available installer, and it asked for my email. In fact, I do not remember a single instance where I was not asked for my email.


Hopefully we will get an answer from nic, as I can't answer why or why not!
Yeah I'm stumped on that one. Let me ask around.
i asked about that from Tech Support and answer was : it is completely normal , it may confirm your information from tour machine


but before this i install WSA almost 10-20 times ! ( yes i was testing something 😃 )  and all of that times WSA ask my email, but  now... i even  install a new windows .. nothing changed still did not ask my email


and because of that in my account that part about Pc Protected : mine is 0 but when i click on web console from my WSA Software , it detect my Pc protected , and change to Pc Protected : 1 
A while back, I was having issues with Backup & Sync not letting me login. When I tried "Login as a different user" it kept telling me that my email or password was wrong (they weren't). I probably uninstalled/clean reinstalled 10 times, including wiping all traces of WSA from the registry, each time trying to get it to ask me for my email. I finally gave up and figured I would need to submit a trouble ticket. A day or two later I tried again. This time it asked me for my email and my B&S started working again. Just thought I'd relate my experience.;)


So right now, all we know is that:


It does what it does.


@ wrote:

So right now, all we know is that:


It does what it does.



I think the answer Parham got from support is correct. It confirms your email from the keycode via the Web Console. That's why even when it doesn't ask at installation it still works perfectly fine. 😉
I'm not sure about that.


This morning, I went to the console, copied my keycode, downloaded the latest installer, ran it, pasted my keycode, and I still got an email. This is on a machine where I had previously had it installed. 
@ wrote:

I'm not sure about that.


This morning, I went to the console, copied my keycode, downloaded the latest installer, ran it, pasted my keycode, and I still got an email. This is on a machine where I had previously had it installed. 

I'm not trying to debate you on this, Corey. I'm just saying that WSA will work whether it asks for your email or not. I'm not sure the issue I had with B&S even had anything to do with asking for my email, as it has normally worked even when it didn't ask. B&S can just be wonky at times, I've discovered.


@ wrote:

@ wrote:

I'm not sure about that.


This morning, I went to the console, copied my keycode, downloaded the latest installer, ran it, pasted my keycode, and I still got an email. This is on a machine where I had previously had it installed. 

I'm not trying to debate you on this, Corey. I'm just saying that WSA will work whether it asks for your email or not. I'm not sure the issue I had with B&S even had anything to do with asking for my email, as it has normally worked even when it didn't ask. B&S can just be wonky at times, I've discovered.



Oh, no. No debate here!


I was just saying that I have always had it ask me for my email, even on machines where I uninstall it then reinstall it, or when I download it from my console. 


I can not recall it ever not asking me for my email. 
i like to share the finall Support answer :



Thank you for contacting Webroot Support.

In order to address the issue you reported, please uninstall and then reinstall Webroot SecureAnywhere using the special steps below.

** Note: Uninstalling and reinstalling SecureAnywhere may reset any program settings you have personalized, including those for Backup & Sync. Please make sure to check your settings and adjust them as necessary after reinstalling.

* * Part 1: Uninstall * *

1a. For Windows XP/ Windows Vista / Windows 7:

Open the Windows Start menu.

Click Programs or All Programs, then navigate to the Webroot SecureAnywhere folder.

Under Webroot SecureAnywhere, open the Tools folder, then click Uninstall Webroot.

Click Yes and follow any prompts that appear.

1b. For Windows 8:

Move your cursor to the bottom right of the screen to open the Charm Bar menu.

Click Search, then type "appwiz.cpl" (without quotes), and press Enter on your keyboard.

Scroll down the programs list until you see the Webroot security product.

Click the Webroot security product entry once to select it, then click Uninstall/Remove.

When asked if you are sure you want to uninstall, click Yes and follow any prompts that appear.

1c. For Windows 10:

In the Cortana search bar, type "appwiz.cpl" (without quotes), and press Enter on your keyboard.

Scroll down the programs list until you see the Webroot security product.

Click the Webroot security product entry once to select it, then click "Uninstall/Remove."

When asked if you are sure you want to uninstall, click "Yes" and follow any prompts that appear.

2. Restart your computer.

3. Click the Windows Start button.

4. Follow the steps below for your Windows version:

a. Windows XP: Click Run, then enter the following text into the field exactly it appears below, and then press Enter:


b. Windows Vista or Windows 7: Click in the Search box above the Start button, then enter the following text into the field exactly as it appears below, and then press Enter:


c. Windows 8: Move your cursor to the bottom right of the screen to open the Charm Bar menu. Click Search, enter the following text into the field exactly as it appears below, and then press Enter:


d, Windows 10: In the Cortana search bar, enter the following text into the field exactly as it appears below, and then press Enter:


5. Locate the WRData folder. This folder may not be present; if it is not, then continue to Part 2. If it is present, right-click the WRData folder and select Rename. Change the name to WRData1.

* * Part 2: Install * *

To reinstall, click the link below to download the latest installer.

1. Save the file to your desktop.

2. Double-click "wsainstall.exe" to run the installer.

3. Enter your keycode when prompted.

4. Click Agree and Install.

5. If asked "Would you like to automatically import the settings that were used in your previous installation?", click No. Webroot SecureAnywhere reinstalls itself.

A scan may begin automatically, depending on how recently a scan was completed.

This should resolve the issue you reported. If not, please send us another message to let us know so that we can assist you further.

Thank you,

The Webroot Technical Support Team
Thanks for posting, Parham. I will try uninstalling/reinstalling using those directions when I get home and see what happens. 🙂
We finally got to the bottom of this mystery.  Apparently there's a registry key that remembers if you've installed previously and determines whether it asks you for your email or not:

@ wrote:

We finally got to the bottom of this mystery.  Apparently there's a registry key that remembers if you've installed previously and determines whether it asks you for your email or not:


Cool. Thanks for letting us know, Nic.


I don't see this in my Registry. Is it different for x64?



Can this setting be changed via dword or something similar?
Shouldn't be any different for 64 bit vs 32 bit. If you're not finding it then I'd say contact support and see if a second pair of eyes helps things. If not, then we can get it documented and escalated.
Also are you on the beta build or the regular build?
@ wrote:

Also are you on the beta build or the regular build?
Hi Nic. I'm on the BETA at the moment.


That would explain it then!
@ wrote:

That would explain it then!
Ok. Thanks, Nic.


So will this registry entry exist in future releases and is just missing in the Beta, or is it gone completely from all future releases?



It's just not created by the beta installer but it should be there for the regular installer.
@ wrote:

It's just not created by the beta installer but it should be there for the regular installer.
Thanks for clarifying that, Nic. Much appreciated.
