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1) Why does Windows 7 Firewall need to be on for Webroot Firewall to work?  What does the Webroot firewall do? My last security suite had its own complete firewall and did not need windows firewall.


2) Is there a way to block banner ads in Webroot?
Hi StevieD


Welcome to the Community Forums.



Essentially, the Windows Firewall from Win7 onwards is very robust especially in terms of handling the Inbound so WSA cedes/allows it to handle the inbound security whilst it covers the outbound transactions.  The WSA firewall effectively replaces the Windows Firewall outbound.


Please see this Knowledge Base Article for more information.  And this previous thread on the subject is worth reading for more insight.


Unfortunately, WSA does not include a banner ads blocker but if you would like we can recommend some 3rd party ones that we use and find effective. ust let us know which briwser(s) you use.


Hope that clarifies for you?





@ wrote:



Unfortunately, WSA does not include a banner ads blocker but if you would like we can recommend some 3rd party ones that we use and find effective. ust let us know which briwser(s) you use.


Well, I use mainly firefox, but sometime IE11.
Hi StevieD


I would suggest that you add an adblocker extension to your browser. Here are some suggestions:


For Internet Explorer Ad Block Plus:


For Firefox uBlock: or Privacy Badger:


Google Chrome uBlock: or Privacy Badger:


Give those a try and see if it helps...if not then please get back to us.


Regards, Baldrick
thanks...uBlock seems to work great!
Hi StevieD


Thanks for letting us know...that is excellent news. ;)


Regards, Baldrick
