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Is there a way to manage blocked web sites

  • 28 March 2013
  • 10 replies

I cannot get into iheart radio and have been in communication with them.   The latest thing they asked me is if my virus protection is blocking the web site?  Where do I check?  I already submitted a support ticket, and sent them my logs, but I did npt get anyresponse back from Web Root yet?

10 replies

Userlevel 7
You can check Website Filter under Web Threat Shield in Advanced settings if by chance the website isn't blocked. If not, I suggest to wait for a reply from support, they will peruse your logs and will revert to you.
Userlevel 7
The quickest way to see if WSA is involved in the issue is to shut WSA down, see if iHeartRadio starts working again, and restart WSA following the test. You can always shut down WSA by right-clicking the tray icon and choosing to shut it down. Then you can restart it by opening it up via your start menu.

Looking through the support system, I'm not seeing any other reports of iHeartRadio issues. iHeartRadio is a pretty common application, and if we were blocking it, we'd almost certainly see more reports of this issue. So it's probably not WSA.
Userlevel 3
Badge +9
Thanks for looking at it.  I have been in contact with Iheart, Earthlink and here, but it just does not work.  I have the same problem on 4 machines, the only one that will work in my tablet.  I only use wifi for that or my netbook, but even that does not allow it to play. Completely baffled.  Pandor, YouTube, Live 365, and XM all work but not iheart.  I have to go to the individual sites to start the programming. 
Userlevel 7
I have been testing this site myself and Its working for me and I have looked at the ticket you submitted and I dont see any blocked sites in the logs. Its quite unusual as it shouldnt be blocked from what I can see.
Have you changed any of the default settings in WSA? Are you running any other AV programs and or are you running any Firefox/Chrome extensions? I will keep looking into this in the logs you sent in but I would be happy to connect to your PC and have a look manually if you want.
Userlevel 3
Badge +9
As far as changing any default settings, I would say no, but sometimes I wonder if I accidentally clicked something but do not recall anything like that.  I think one of the most important things here is that all machines except for my Android tablet will not play iheart. That is 4 machines three with XP and one with Win 7.  One is turned one infrequently, a netbook that accesses by way of the wifi routerr.  Theo other three are connectec by way of a cable and two of those I have used the wifi with a dongle, but just occasionally.  Web root support wants me to reset Internet Explorer to the default settings, which I haven't had a chance to try yet.  I had Earthlink access my computer the other day, but that was in relation to loosing my email connection.  I could get to my email by way of the web mail, but not through Thunderbird or Mailwasher.  The tech guy there claimed Webroot was blocking it, but as far as I can explain he corrected it by taking out my automatic login in Thunderbird and then telling me to re-enter my password.  I did that, the first time it did not take then the second time it did and once that was done it started working again.  But this is another issue.  I will try to get to the reset later if I can tonight at least on one machine. I will let it be known once I have tried that.  I do not think Webroot wants any more logs, at least they have not asked for more at this point.
Userlevel 3
Badge +9
It is working, I say with a grain of skepticism.  I tried resetting IE by way of the instructions I was given, but it did not make a difference, and was about to come back and report, but I was looking at WEBROOT's settings and saw under System Tools the option to do a clean up and decided to at least try it.  At first it scared me, I thought I had caused a major problem because my home page reloaded with different components blocked.  I use MYWAY as my home page and put some frequent bookmarks on that page but they were all blocked out with this message:
IMPORTANT! If you are seeing this message and/or "Sorry, this feature is currently unavailable" in any of the modules on this page, it is likely you have installed a personal firewall (e.g., Norton Firewall 2003) that is creating technical issues with your My Page. Click here for help.
It had the same message in other parts of the page where something wouldn't load.  I was unsure what it meant by Norton Firewall, because I should not have another VP program, sometimes when I do updates like Java it wants to install MacAfee, I try to make sure I don't allow it, but it can be missed, but I didn't feel like going around and around and instead decided to restart the computer.  When I came back in as soon as I could I tried to see if iheart would work and YES it did.  I think when to another machine to see if I could do the same there, this time right after doing the clean up I restarted it, but the odd thing on that one was that it had done a clean up before the first never had one done since I first got WebRoot.  After a restart I started iheart and it played there as well.  I will have two more to do and can report back when those are done.  For now two down and two to go.  I do have one other problem with the second machine in that the WebRoot icon in the tray will not load unless I log off and log back on.  That is an XP machine, and that part was giving me some trouble, but for now that is where I am.
Userlevel 3
Badge +9
I had a couple of typos here in the last paragraph, it should read like this:

It had the same message in other parts of the page where something wouldn't load. I was unsure what it meant by Norton Firewall, because I should not have another VP program, sometimes when I do updates like Java it wants to install McAffee, I try to make sure I don't allow it, but it can be missed, but I didn't feel like going around and around and instead decided to restart the computer. When I came back in as soon as I could I tried to see if iheart would work and YES it did. I think when to another machine to see if I could do the same there, this time right after doing the clean up I restarted it, but the odd thing on that one was that it had done a clean up before the first never had one done since I first got WebRoot. After a restart I started iheart and it played there as well. I will have two more to do and can report back when those are done. For now two down and two to go. I do have one other problem with the second machine in that the WebRoot icon in the tray will not load unless I log off and log back on. That is an XP machine, and that part was giving me some trouble, but for now that is where I am.
Userlevel 3
Badge +9
Okay, I ran the clean up in Web Root system tools on all four machines, and ;once I ran it iheart began to play again.  So I have to say it is solved.  I guess I have to look at scheduling it.  Only one of the 4 actually had it done before, it was not a long time ago, It may have been less than a month.
Userlevel 7
Sometimes clearing out temp files will help with odd situations like this. System Cleaner will wipe out old temp files when it's run, which was what I understand happened. It's great to hear Webroot ended up helping you resolve the problem rather than being a contributing factor in causing it. :D

On the XP box, that tray icon issue may be as simple as just needing to restart the computer once.
Userlevel 3
Badge +9
It is running okay so far, just this morning after my husband turned it on, he had to reload it a couple of times to get it going.  But that could have been because of all the things when you first boot up from updates to just connecting.  The tray icon idea I have to try.  So far the relogging worked perfectly until I had this othe problem, but that only lasted a day or two and it is  working once agine with the relogging.  , but I will have to try a simple restart to see if that works too.  Thank you.  I am very happy to have it working again.  I just got an internet radio delivered this morning, but that will come up by way of the wireless router.
