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When I opened up my Firefox web browser this morning I had a web page pop up asking me if I want to install Webroot Filtering Extension What is the purpose of this filtering extension and why did it pop up asking me if I wanted to install it?

@ wrote:

if you were using speech to text software as I am, you would notice a major slow down. I have had this PC for 5 years now, dual quad core 2.8 Pentium and have only experienced slow down since the WB filtering stuff. My speech software stops responding for 20 or more seconds and sometimes I think it has crashed. to me, this is not right, and I am not some unexperienced person, been a PC guy and programmer since 1989!!
You might want to submit that Trouble Ticket as suggested.  Maybe Support can find something that will help
I never got these I.E. prompts to disable add-ins until the WB filtering stuff. I really was a poster boy for WB, but since they have done the NEW AND IMPROVE, I am no longer a fan. I don't get it, now everything seems to be suspect with webroot?, my banking sites that have extreme sequrity, government, etc, etc, etc,.... somebody has released this stuff before it was tested!!!banking site as well as government, are I hav
Hi c3sam


As I said before...I completely understand your frustration...but again, would urge you to submit that ticket and get Support on the case.   Worst case...they can do nothing fo r you and you need to find another solution...:(  Best case...they resolve the issue and you can continue to be a 'poster boy'...which is what we all want...:D


Submit that ticket...





Note the slowdown times that IE reports are about initial IE launch. They do not measure per-process slowdown (if any)
something funny, disabled the webroot filtering and bang, text to speech has improved noticeably, no more prompts from I.E. to disable add-ins, if it is not WR than why?

entered a ticket when all this started, was lead to believe there was no real issue, now I know better, seems to me there are not enough text to speech users of WB for tech support to devote resources.

If somehow this clears up in future releases before my subscription runs out then I will renew, otherwise, I'm out looking for something else.
Next time IE ask you to disable any add-ons what you do it give's you a choice to pick the allotted time for the add-ons that slow down IE so instead of disabling the Web filtering extension set the setting above 2 seconds then it shouldn't show the disable the add-ons screen I had to do it on my 6 year old Laptop as I want to keep the Web Filter enabled.


Hope this helps,


Daniel 😉
I Contacted WR support,got the usual instructions to resolve any issue, uninstall and reinstall and then let them know how it went. I got no where, and informed them,  I am disabling your FILTERING, I assume I still have some protection???? This filtering is BS, what does this have to do with filtering??  it isn't filtering at all, look up the meaning filtering, means to filter out, this is IDENTIFYING possible threats, I would rather have WR filter them out and not show me at all than show me a pile of crapp. Call it what it really is, Webroot Identifying Extensions.

 WR is probably at that stage where they are big enough and disregard individual issues that effect the entire product.
After studying the Webroot Filter Extension a little under Google Chrome, it occurs to me that you are missing the biggest opportunity for how this tool could be used.   Currently this tool is used to flag search results.   But the much bigger opportunity would be that when you mouse over a link on a web page, that you prescan security information for that site and show that in a metadata window.   That way we would be warned of potential threats before we select the link.   You could prescan all links on the page and flag the user through a notification / blinking light on your extension gadget in the browser toolbar.
@ wrote:

After studying the Webroot Filter Extension a little under Google Chrome, it occurs to me that you are missing the biggest opportunity for how this tool could be used.   Currently this tool is used to flag search results.   But the much bigger opportunity would be that when you mouse over a link on a web page, that you prescan security information for that site and show that in a metadata window.   That way we would be warned of potential threats before we select the link.   You could prescan all links on the page and flag the user through a notification / blinking light on your extension gadget in the browser toolbar.

Hello and Welcome to the Webroot Community!


Well it does much more than that if you happen to go to a bad Web Site it will be blocked: and the bigger picture:






This is an older picture I had!


The two URLs you shared are useful but this simply ignores my original post.   I already understood you catch things in realtime.  I'm asking for an entirely different use of the same technology.   I want you to post metadata about a link in the browser BEFORE I EVER CLICK ON IT.   In addition, I want you to prescan all links on a page and then post a summary of the number of bad links in some notification area (probably the chrome extension gadget would flash and have a number in it representing the number of bad pages located).
You should start a new Idea and I will Kudo it!




TH ;)

I have a new computer using Windows 10. It is working perfectly except for facebook. Could the webroot extension be interfering?
Hello and Welcome to the Webroot Community!


This link works fine for me so can you let me if you can access this link to facebook here:




Daniel 😉
