I find that Password manager doesn't work on ANY browser! Am I wrong?? I even tried the tip that I found of rolling my firefox browser back to previous version, with no luck. (Originally I used Chrome)
When will this be fixed? I cannot even access my passwords AT ALL!!!
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- Webroot Password manager no longer works anywhere!
Webroot Password manager no longer works anywhere!
- January 13, 2019
- 28 replies
- New Voice
- 19 replies
Best answer by MissNovemberTuesday
I know the issue with Firefox was known since last year, but what about the console itself? I could sign in until just a week or so ago to get my password list. Why is THAT not working now?
View original Did this help you find an answer to your question?
28 replies
- 2 replies
- January 13, 2019
I am having the same problem. I have been having to open the console and look up my passwords, but now that is not working!
- Gold VIP
- 16060 replies
- January 13, 2019
Hi Both (& welcome MissNovemberTuesday)
This is a know issue, which unfortunately has been ongoing for a while. As far as I am aware Webroot are looking to having this issue resolved by mid-February at the latest.
No real information on how that will be done but I am sure that we will get the heads up in the Beta group as and when something substantive is on the cards.
That is the best I can offer now...so I am afraid that patience is what is now required from us...and trust in the Webroot Development Team.
Regards, Baldrick
This is a know issue, which unfortunately has been ongoing for a while. As far as I am aware Webroot are looking to having this issue resolved by mid-February at the latest.
No real information on how that will be done but I am sure that we will get the heads up in the Beta group as and when something substantive is on the cards.
That is the best I can offer now...so I am afraid that patience is what is now required from us...and trust in the Webroot Development Team.
Regards, Baldrick
Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete Beta Tester v9.0.24.49, imaged by Macrium Reflect v7.2
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- 2 replies
- Answer
- January 13, 2019
I know the issue with Firefox was known since last year, but what about the console itself? I could sign in until just a week or so ago to get my password list. Why is THAT not working now?
- Author
- New Voice
- 19 replies
- January 14, 2019
I agree, why are we not even able to access the console to retrieve passwords? I've been "loyal" to Webroot for a few years now, this major problem has me rethinking that going forward. 😔
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- New Voice
- 19 replies
- January 14, 2019
I am holding my breathe, this morning it works...!
- Author
- New Voice
- 19 replies
- January 16, 2019
Spoke too soon...of course it didn't stay working
I daresay I will not be renewing my subscription when the time comes to reup. 😞
Not sure why I even bother to say anything.
I daresay I will not be renewing my subscription when the time comes to reup. 😞
Not sure why I even bother to say anything.

- Fresh Face
- 2 replies
- January 16, 2019
I just logged into the new community to see the status on what Webroot support told me in early December, which was:
Soo Webroot Support, what is the status on these two items??
- FireFox is a known issue for Password manager requiring significant new coding which would be done and delivered late January or mid February the latest
- . PW manager unable to connect to Webroot server, ditto, known issue and to be resolved in the same time period.
Soo Webroot Support, what is the status on these two items??
- New Voice
- 39 replies
- January 16, 2019
The old forum had a lengthy thread on this, considered by many to be a failure. It's been going on for months now. For Firefox users, we are aware the browser add on was de-certified for the latest editions. A fix is to download and install an older version (61.0.2) and disable automatic updating. Doing so results in nag screens about the need to update, and occasional security alerts talking about how unsafe we are
The response from Webroot has been poor, and they are not providing decent updates on it.
This involves LastPass as well.
The response from Webroot has been poor, and they are not providing decent updates on it.
This involves LastPass as well.
- New Voice
- 9 replies
- January 16, 2019
Well, this is nice innit, a bright shiny new community, yippeeee!!!!!. Shame about the "cock-up" with the PWM though.
Priorities please Webroot!!!!
Priorities please Webroot!!!!
- Moderator
- 8909 replies
- January 16, 2019
kevco wrote:
The old forum had a lengthy thread on this, considered by many to be a failure. It's been going on for months now. For Firefox users, we are aware the browser add on was de-certified for the latest editions. A fix is to download and install an older version (61.0.2) and disable automatic updating. Doing so results in nag screens about the need to update, and occasional security alerts talking about how unsafe we are
The response from Webroot has been poor, and they are not providing decent updates on it.
This involves LastPass as well.
The response from Webroot has been poor, and they are not providing decent updates on it.
This involves LastPass as well.
Here is the old thread you were thinking about: https://community.webroot.com/webroot-secureanywhere-internet-security-plus-13/firefox-password-manager-toolbar-no-longer-works-314740
And it's been going on for over 5 months now. 😱
Daniel - Microsoft MVP Consumer Security (2012-2016) Windows 10 Pro x64 for Workstations 22H2 on my Alienware 17R2 and Alienware 17R5 Laptops with Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete Beta Tester for PC & Android Moto G9 Plus OS 11. "Take Them to the Train Station" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- New Voice
- 39 replies
- January 16, 2019
Hopefully they also provide an add on for the Brave Browser also. It's a great browser.

- New Voice
- 9 replies
- January 16, 2019
My early introduction to your fine community was through voicing a small (relatively) problem I had with Password Manager. That was that any change I made to an existing site resulted in a new group being formed with the changed site in it. Other than that, PM worked fine for me. Now I find that I am one of many with the "Ajax" problem and unable to access PM at all. In a situation like this, it would seem natural that Webroot or this Community offer a blanket statement to its customers that a problem exists in this area and what its target resolution date is. That would save each of us the time and effort of gathering facts and submitting a "Ticket". Respectively, Syclops
- Popular Voice
- 31 replies
- January 25, 2019
My Webroot Password manager simply will not login anymore. It is dead.
Webroot has finally driven me away. I'm done with it.
Webroot has finally driven me away. I'm done with it.
- Popular Voice
- 31 replies
- January 25, 2019
Baldrick wrote:
This is a know issue, which unfortunately has been ongoing for a while. As far as I am aware Webroot are looking to having this issue resolved by mid-February at the latest.
That is the best I can offer now...so I am afraid that patience is what is now required from us...and trust in the Webroot Development Team.
And why, pray, tell should we remain patient now? This has not only been going on for months, but it has deteriorated to the point where the password manager no longer works at all, anywhere, period. As far as I can tell, I am dealing with a company that has lost interest in supporting its product, and I'm not the least bit happy about that. I cannot reasonably expect that anyone should be. Some of the sites I visit may well be inaccessible to me now, depending on whether I have backed my passwords up to my spreadsheet.
Can I say here, that this state of affairs is simply unacceptable? This is a product we have all paid for, and a part of it, advertised as a feature that justifies the price increase from lower-tier versions, does not work. It has not worked properly for months, and now it does not work at all. What we get from Webroot are (so far) empty promises for a fix at a time TBA. I cannot think of any company that acts this way with any expectation of remaining in business.
- New Voice
- 39 replies
- January 25, 2019
jbcasler wrote:
Baldrick wrote:
This is a know issue, which unfortunately has been ongoing for a while. As far as I am aware Webroot are looking to having this issue resolved by mid-February at the latest.
That is the best I can offer now...so I am afraid that patience is what is now required from us...and trust in the Webroot Development Team.
That is the best I can offer now...so I am afraid that patience is what is now required from us...and trust in the Webroot Development Team.
Can I say here, that this state of affairs is simply unacceptable? This is a product we have all paid for, and a part of it, advertised as a feature that justifies the price increase from lower-tier versions, does not work. It has not worked properly for months, and now it does not work at all. What we get from Webroot are (so far) empty promises for a fix at a time TBA. I cannot think of any company that acts this way with any expectation of remaining in business.
Your last two sentences are spot on. Furthermore, there have been ZERO messages from anyone with authority to update the progress on this horrible failure to the customer. Perhaps someone should start to spread this around with Twitter using hashtags and make a blog post that will come up in search results when someone looks up the problem. From the standpoint of the end user/customer.
- Popular Voice
- 31 replies
- February 2, 2019
And, since all that stuff above was written, it worked. For just about exactly one week. It's down again, as of a few minutes ago (Feb 1, 9:30 PM EST). Worked earlier today, now it doesn't. same as last week. Won't login at all.
Not one word from anyone at Webroot concerning this issue.
Evidence says:
They don't care.
Not one word from anyone at Webroot concerning this issue.
Evidence says:
They don't care.
- Moderator
- 8909 replies
- February 2, 2019
jbcasler wrote:
And, since all that stuff above was written, it worked. For just about exactly one week. It's down again, as of a few minutes ago (Feb 1, 9:30 PM EST). Worked earlier today, now it doesn't. same as last week. Won't login at all.
Not one word from anyone at Webroot concerning this issue.
Evidence says:
They don't care.
Not one word from anyone at Webroot concerning this issue.
Evidence says:
They don't care.
So very true! So don't expect anything to work unless it's been announced hopefully sometime in February. 🤐 Everything is so hush, hush.
Daniel - Microsoft MVP Consumer Security (2012-2016) Windows 10 Pro x64 for Workstations 22H2 on my Alienware 17R2 and Alienware 17R5 Laptops with Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete Beta Tester for PC & Android Moto G9 Plus OS 11. "Take Them to the Train Station" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Popular Voice
- 31 replies
- February 4, 2019
So, when my subscription is up, I will not be renewing. Sorry, but things have been rather a mess here, since my passwords for all my financial data are stored in the vault that I can't access, and I've been resetting passwords for all of them. Since I'm storing the new ones elsewhere anyway, I see no reason to go back to the Webroot Password Manager, and, frankly, the way this has been handled (or, more accurately, not handled) by Webroot has pretty much destroyed any level of trust I have in this outfit.
I find it a bit difficult to imagine that most malware I might encounter could cause me more trouble than Webroot has with their broken software and their poor excuse for customer service.
I'm out.
I find it a bit difficult to imagine that most malware I might encounter could cause me more trouble than Webroot has with their broken software and their poor excuse for customer service.
I'm out.
- New Member
- 58 replies
- February 4, 2019
I still don't understand why you (and others) won't just use LastPass. It works... period. What more could you ask for? Plus the pw manager from Webroot was based upon it so why not just go to the source? Try it out for free. Maybe the free version is all you need. My wife and I used it for several years before buying the premium in order to have it on our smart phones as well. AND... keep using WRS for malware protection. Just my two cents.
- Moderator
- 7763 replies
- February 4, 2019
Orthodoxguy wrote:
I still don't understand why you (and others) won't just use LastPass. It works... period. What more could you ask for? Plus the pw manager from Webroot was based upon it so why not just go to the source? Try it out for free. Maybe the free version is all you need. My wife and I used it for several years before buying the premium in order to have it on our smart phones as well. AND... keep using WRS for malware protection. Just my two cents.
I agree with you using LastPass, BUT thousands of people using Webroot's Password Manager were let down when the PWM failed. Now for many many months Webroot is silent to this day about the progress of the fix. People can't even get into Webroot's Password Manager to get their information. I used Webroot's Password Manager BUT I also backed it up with LastPass free (which I use today) and RoboForm (non-cloud). For the people that had no backup I feel sorry for them that Webroot has let you down not only with the software going down (Password Manager) but their silence about the fix.
"patience is what is now required from us...and trust in the Webroot Development Team."
To the people that used and only had Webroot's password and no backups, I believe their patience has grown thin and people are jumping ship. I know if I didn't have password manager backups and it not being fixed with the silence of Webroot about the fix for many many months, I would have jumped long ago.
Late 2015 ~ 5K ~ 27 inch iMac ~ macOS Catalina 10.15.7 ~ Clone & Backup with: SuperDuper - Time Machine & iCloud. PWM: RoboForm. "An Apple a Day, Keeps Microsoft Away."
- Popular Voice
- 31 replies
- February 4, 2019
Orthodoxguy wrote:
"I still don't understand why you (and others) won't just use LastPass. It works... period. What more could you ask for? "
How about, because we paid for the extra features we were promised, among them the password manager?
We paid extra money for the Password Manager, and frankly, that entitles us all to a WORKING product.
Seriously, what you're saying sounds like, "So, your Mercedes doesn't run, and no one is interested in fixing it? I don't understand why you don't just take a cab?"
Maybe the sorry state of consumer goods is what it is because so many people have decided that they'll forget about having paid for something, and just get something else when the product they bought doesn't work as advertised.
And, FTR, most of my passwords are backed up to a spreadsheet, but that's a PITA when you have sites that require password changes every quarter. And, if you forget one, you're hosed, and have to do a reset, which can be another PITA. These are the reasons why any of us use a password manager to begin with. When that product lets us down, it has repercussions on much of what wee do; it's not trivial. And when the company that sold us that product gives us the silent treatment after the product fails, our trust in ANY of that company's products is going to suffer. If they'll freeze you out when a feature fails, why wouldn't they do the same when their major offering bites the dust?
Think about that. Webroot's reliability as a vendor is, in my mind, shot. And that is a status they they have earned over the past several months.
- Popular Voice
- 31 replies
- February 4, 2019
Oh, and as of today, February 4, 2019, it still doesn't work. Not at all.
And we still don't even have so much as an estimate of when it might.
You want to keep doing business with a company that treats customers like this?
I don't.
And we still don't even have so much as an estimate of when it might.
You want to keep doing business with a company that treats customers like this?
I don't.
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- Popular Voice
- 31 replies
- February 5, 2019
And, if you'd like to see how much attention Webroot is paying to this thread, I'd like to share a message I got today:
"Congratulations on your new rank of Frequent Voice! To thank you for your contributions to the Webroot Community, we would like to provide you with a Webroot®️ SecureAnywhere™️ Discount to Share with Friends & Family for 50% off. ..."
I'd laugh, if this situation hadn't caused me so much trouble.
"Congratulations on your new rank of Frequent Voice! To thank you for your contributions to the Webroot Community, we would like to provide you with a Webroot®️ SecureAnywhere™️ Discount to Share with Friends & Family for 50% off. ..."
I'd laugh, if this situation hadn't caused me so much trouble.
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- New Member
- 58 replies
- February 5, 2019
Okay... so I get you're angry (three posts in a row) and that you "paid for" all the features but are not "receiving" all of them. I get that. And how has your anger worked out for you? Do you currently have a functioning pwm? For months now you've gone without a pwm and have brought this to WR's attentions countless times and here we are today: still nothing. This is why I said: Just download LP and use it UNTIL WR's works again. Seems simple enough to me.
- Moderator
- 8909 replies
- February 5, 2019
Orthodoxguy wrote:
Okay... so I get you're angry (three posts in a row) and that you "paid for" all the features but are not "receiving" all of them. I get that. And how has your anger worked out for you? Do you currently have a functioning pwm? For months now you've gone without a pwm and have brought this to WR's attentions countless times and here we are today: still nothing. This is why I said: Just download LP and use it UNTIL WR's works again. Seems simple enough to me.
Sorry but you are dead wrong and I happen to agree with
Daniel - Microsoft MVP Consumer Security (2012-2016) Windows 10 Pro x64 for Workstations 22H2 on my Alienware 17R2 and Alienware 17R5 Laptops with Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete Beta Tester for PC & Android Moto G9 Plus OS 11. "Take Them to the Train Station" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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