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I jus bought essentials..have no mobile it worth it to upgrade to complete?

I upgraded because I do banking online, like the bigger backup, and use the password manager.

for me, the most important is: 10 GB/user and synchronize passwords and files between PCs.

@ wrote:

I jus bought essentials..have no mobile it worth it to upgrade to complete?


It's entirely up to the user and what they feel they need!


I do banking..will do then
@ wrote:

I do banking..will do then

Webroot Security Essentials has Identity Shield already to protect your online banking and credentials only Webroot AV only doesn't have Identity Shield! That chart needs to be fixed IMHO it's wrong!




does essentils encrypt passwords too?..and credit card numbers:cathappy:
@ wrote:

does essentils encrypt passwords too?..and credit card numbers:cathappy:

It does not have the password manager which does that, but you do have full online protection with Idenity Sheild on HTTPS sites!





Agree with TripleHelix that you get great online protection on banking sites with Essentials. Of course it will sound like a sales pitch coming from me but the identity protection features you get with Complete goes way beyond - you will use it all the time and be glad you did.  You can store your passwords, profiles and credit card info securely.  For example you can have the product generate a totally random (and very secure password) for your banking site and who cares if you would never be able to remember it.  The product will remember it or even log you in automatically.  You'll buy it for the security and love it/use it for the convenience.  


That's my personal experience - hope it was helpful.  Thanks!


helps a lot thank you
I totally agree with the others...I recommend the video tutorials also if you haven't watched them already. I didn't notice them initially and later found them to be a nice explanation of various options! Good luck!  RR
I agree the video tutorials are very helpful and can be found at the link below.


Video Tutorials
