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Webroot + Chrome (sigh)

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  • 4 replies
  • March 18, 2014
I was a denied application under WSA>Identity Protection>Application Protection. libpeerconnection.dll was set to deny. I changed that to protect and chrome is working again. Got this helpful hint from Jeff P on the Google Chrome site. It worked.

Rakanisheu Retired
If you can do a quick uninstall/reinstall and see if it helps. Please note that there are multple layers of protection so even if you set Chrome to allow your leaving your PC vunerable.

  • 4 replies
  • March 18, 2014
I didn't set it to "allow" I switched "deny" to "protect"

Rakanisheu Retired
I was just saying it in a general sense and wasnt implying you did set it to allow 🙂

  • 4 replies
  • March 18, 2014
thanks for your help

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  • March 24, 2014
I'm still waiting for a further response from Support.
Rakanisheu wrote 
If you can do a quick uninstall/reinstall and see if it helps.Is that uninstall/reinstall Chrome or Webroot or both ?
I agree on the point that we should not be tinkering with where Chrome installs.  Vast numbers of users have no idea how to take control of the process - they rely on it to happen automatically.  Webroot has to cater for them too, and they are paying customers.

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  • March 24, 2014
Hi Caravelle
I believe that Rakanisheu was referring to WSA rather than Chrome...but I also take the point that you make when you state "Vast numbers of users have no idea how to take control of the process - they rely on it to happen automatically.  Webroot has to cater for them too, and they are paying customers." :D
So, to check if the issue could be, in your case, due to where Chrome is installed would yo ube able to check that out and let us know...and then perhaps we can ask Nic to raise this more directly with the Development Team?
Await your further input on this point.
Many thanks in anticipation.

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  • March 25, 2014
This is what I told support earlier:
Chrome continues to work with all of them [the settings] set to Protect apart from "new_chrome.exe in c:usersmichaelappdatalocalgooglechromeapplication". Setting that to "Protect" stops Chrome from going to any websites. Searching my C: drive for the word "Chrome" produces a screen full of files all in the same appdata path, apart from the shortcut on the desktop. I'm afraid it will be a while before I can do much more.  This PC runs 24 hours a day collecting data, and messing about installing and uninstalling things risks losing data (particularly if the PC has to be restarted).  So jobs like that tend to get done in the wee small hours when there is not much data coming in - if I can stay awake that long.  A Windows update is a major pain !
HOWEVER, just for the hell of it, I reset the file mentioned above to "Protect", ran a Webroot scan (I gather from what support said earlier that this effectively reboots settings), opened a new instance of Chrome and it worked.   Obviously I need to double-check and try closing down and re-opening Webroot and all instances of Chrome, and see what happens after a PC reboot later on tonight, but all I can say so far is that something appears to have happened invisibly.  Does running a scan cause Webroot to update itself ?  if so maybe they have fixed the problem.

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  • March 25, 2014

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  • March 25, 2014
Hi Caravelle
Yes, for a number of things running a scan does seem to initiate a refresh or at least a transmission of other elements apart from scan information.  If you issue commands from your Web Console  then you will most likely find that they are executed quicker as a result of a scan.
But as Petr stated in his post there should have been a silent update of WSA to v8.0.4.68 which includes what looks like a fix for this issue (see this thread for details...if you have not already).  Check that you have this version and if not then initial a manual 'Check for Updates' to get it...but I suspect that you already have.
Thanks for posting back with your is much appreicated and most useful to the Community as a whole.

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  • March 26, 2014
Thank you.  "About SecureAnywhere" said I was using version
When I clicked the button "Check for Software Updates" a box popped up saying that I was currently using the newest SecureAnywhere software.  
So I ignored that and followed the link provided in the message before last, downloaded and installed version anyway (mercifully, no reboot required) and everything seems to work.
Thanks to all who have helped resolve this issue.  It's much appreciated.  Don't get me wrong when I say I hope I won't be back here for a long time :catvery-happy:

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  • March 26, 2014
Hi Caravelle
Again, many thanks for sharing your experiences and glad that your issue is sorted out.  We get there in the end through a combined team , the Community, Support, etc.
I do hope that you are not serious when you say "...I hope I won't be back here for a long time"... as this Community is about so much more than it's primary mission (supporting the user community).  It is also a place to learn, have fun and share experiences.  I am sure that from what you have just experienced you would be able to help fellow users in the same or similar circumstances please do drop by from time to time and contribute as best you can.
Most of us are volunteers who get a buzz by helping why not join in?
See you around...I hope.

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  • March 27, 2014
I'm being realistic.  All I know about Webroot is in this thread.  I have nothing to contribute and no interest in Webroot per se.  It's simply a necessary tool that I purchased in the hope that it wouldn't cause me as much trouble and grief as previous rather more well-known products have.   Well done, Webroot, so far just the one glitch, it didn't foul up my PC and support didn't try to claim it was someone else's fault or keep trying to convince me against all evidence to the contrary that rebooting the PC and router would solve everything.
I'm afraid I just don't have time to develop an interest in this sort of thing, my other interests are full-time.  Doctors and nurses may find visiting a surgery fun, but I only do it when I have to !

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  • March 27, 2014
Hi Caravelle
Completely understand your position...and hope that I was not out of turn by trying to interest you in participation?
Well, you know where we are if you need us/have an issue or a question in the future (hopefully not the latter).
All the best