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what is advanced care syetem 8

I have a freind at work who uses advanced syteimcare 8, and tells me its the best. He uses it with Webroot and runs the two at the same time. I would think that running two malware suites at the same time would lead to problems. 
He cliams that  layering is the only way to go because of  all the new and dangerous malware that is out there now. 
Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also, when I type on my Toshiba laptop, the shift key on the left on the keyboard right next to caps lock key acts wierd and moving the curser to the bottom of the page. The caps light key still works, but the greenn led light constantly remains on no matter what I do. Has anyone else run into this problem? The right shift key works perfectly and the laptop has been well taken care of. Any tips on that as well as the above would be appreciated. Thanks. Mark79


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