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I've become a recent user of Webroot Security Essentials 2012, coming across from Microsoft Security Essentials.


Things have been going well, but I've not a significant slowdown in browsing in Chrome and CPU usage in Chrome. As a result, I'm unable to watch videos on You Tube?


If I stop Webroot, or use IE, there's no such problem.


Does anyone else experience this, or know how it can be resolved?


I've tried disabling all the 'Web Threat Shield' options, but that didn't help, so am guessing it's something to do with Chrome itself, rather than browsing?
Hey OfficialWeavo,


Sorry to hear you're having browsing slow-downs; hopefully, we'll get this figured out quickly. The Webroot Community is a great place to start! :D


Normally, if this was a more general browser slow-down issue, I'd have you try resetting Chrome or ask what toolbars you have installed, but because you say that shutting down Webroot resolves the issue, there may be a conflict with Webroot that we need to further investigate. That being said, the fastest way to go about getting you back to browsing at optimal speed is for you to submit a support ticket so our threat research team can obtain and analyze the log files from your computer to pinpoint the issue.


Please let me know when you have submitted the ticket! Also, can you https:///t5/notes/privatenotespage/tab/compose/note-to-user-id/1018 the email address you use to submit it so I can quickly find it in our system?


Thanks. Support ticket raised.


What's the general turnaround time on a support ticket?
Hey OfficialWeavo,


Thanks for the update! I found your ticket and it looks like one of our support agents suggested you tinker with the Identity and Privacy settings a bit to see if that does the trick. Have you tried those steps yet? I've also been talking to one of our escalation engineers who is looking into your ticket as well. As far as turnaround goes, it really depends on the issue, but they will typically get back to you pretty quickly (24-48 hours) either with an update or with further troubleshooting steps.


In the meantime, just make sure to check your email/support ticket periodically and let me know if you have any more questions! 😃
Thanks for the prompt replies here and with my ticket, greatly appreciated and many companies can learn from this!

Seems like Joe is on the case wit a resolution, so just need to sit tight!

Thanks again! 😃
I am experiencing the same issue. Using Chrome and watching Youtube flash video gradually grinds to a halt throughout the day with Webroot enabled. If you minimize Task Manager... you will see a progression of CPU utilization which steadily gets worse.


As the problem progresses, the CPU utilization of Task Manager and Webroot will remain identical. It is common to see 40%/40% CPU util for taskmgr.exe / wrsa.exe before the system bogs down to an unacceptable level.


A temporary fix is to stop Webroot and restart it. This will restore CPU usage to normal... until it builds up again.


I do not use IE or Firefox and have no idea if the same CPU consumption leak occurs with them.
Hey Chromatic,


Welcome to the Webroot Community and thanks for posting!


I'd like to let you know that we are aware of the issue and and getting it resolved as we speak. Submitting a ticket shouldn't be necessary in this case as we already know the fix, which should be implemented in the next build.


Let me know if there's anything else I can help answer for you!


Thanks for your patience!


Hi Yegor,

Do we have any idea on when this fix will be implemented?


Hey OfficialWeavo,


Due to the uncertain nature of exact release dates, I don't want to give you any misleading information! That being said, there's a very good chance the fix will be in place later this month. I'll keep you posted! :D


Thank for your patience!
Thanks for getting back to me, but that's a bit disappointing.

I was told the end of last week, or this week. I'm guessing this has now been pushed back?

In the meantime, I'm unable to use the software I've paid for...
Hi OfficialWeavo,


I understand where you're coming from and apologize for the confusion. As Joe mentioned in the support ticket, all appears to be moving as planned and the issue should be fixed in the next release, which is expected to roll out in 1-2 weeks. In the meantime, please look out for that update email and I'll update you here on the Community when I hear more.


Also, the update will happen automatically in the background and it's very easy to check exactly what version you have. Simply open Webroot and click "My Account". You should then be able to see your keycode and the version you're on!


Let me know if there's anything else I can help answer for you!
Hi Yegor P,

I've also had a couple of messages with Joe, so good news it's been fixed, now just have to sit tight and wait for it to role out.

Thanks for the prompt responses though Webroot, refreshing and appreciated! 😉
Hi OfficialWeavo,


You're very welcome.


Thanks again for your patience!
This issue should now be resolved as of version  🙂
Awesome! Thanks Jim. I'll keep an eye on resource util% and report anything unusual if it comes up.
Looks good after several days of use. Problem resolved & thanks all!
I concur, things seem to be smoother here aswell :D


I have this issue with version When I try to watch any YouTube video then Chrome CPU usage = 100%.
Hello hassasin and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums!


Can you please contact the WSA support inbox so they can have a closer look at your issue




Hello. Upon waking my PC after 10 hours in sleep mode, the original CPU/taskmgr issue with Chrome reappeared. As before, CPU usage will spike very high with task manager open until Webroot is stopped and restarted.


From what I have seen, this only occurs when putting the computer to sleep and waking it up again.
Hi Chromatic,

My apologies this thread seems to have gone unnoticed for a while. Could you please use the support inbox as TripleHelix had suggested for Hassasin? For an issue like this, we would need to see some logs from the computer in question, and the best way to go about getting those is via the support system. If you can private message me once you've put in the request in the support inbox, I'll be happy to take a look for you myself if a support agent hasn't already replied.
I believe the issue has not been resolved yet. same slow browsing (almost in all browsers) until you stop webroot.
This issue was addressed for most users, but please put in a support case as suggested above so support can take at look at your particular situation.
@ wrote:

I believe the issue has not been resolved yet. same slow browsing (almost in all browsers) until you stop webroot.
Strange. Can you check and verify that you are on Webroot version
