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Last night I noticed that Chrome had moved from its usual 'Allow' under System Tools > System Control > Control Active Processes to 'Monitor'. With this has come a spike in system resources, I'm guessing because of the journaling in the background.


Is it common for a program to move from 'Allow' to 'Monitor'? If so, what could cause this?
Google Chrome has been known to cause this kind of behaviour in the past.


It's due to Chrome's silent and frequent updates which meands tha the MD5 for Chrome and it's associated processes (such as the updater) change on a regular basis.

Sometimes this can appear as suspicious to WSA.

If you would like to submit a support ticket with this information then we can add rules to our cloud database that should resolve this issue for you.


Will do. Thanks Steven 🙂
You're very welcome! We would have spotted this eventually but thanks for keeping us on our toes! 🙂
My pleasure. I really like knowing that I'm helping albeit in a rather small way.
As a curious little "Now you know" addition to this:


Anybody who is on the cutting edge of technology and set to get the Beta updates will see this state last for a longer time.  Part of the monitoring system is based on seeing enough behavioral data from the process to know what is considered normal and thus know when things are not behaving normally.  That means that even when it's marked as good in the database, if there are relatively few people with it, like on a Beta, or early adopters, it will still be requested to be monitored for a while after it's set good until there is enough data gathered.  That's part of why we permit people to manually set it to allowed. 


We're also always interested in cases where monitoring is causing any noticeable impact in performance, because it shouldn't.  It can, but we don't like it when it does, so if there is a substantial impact, we generally work to improve the performance in those cases.  So the support ticket will be of benefit in helping us look into that as well.


Anyway, that's it.  Now you know. 🙂
Great response Kit, thank you.


I am indeed running Chrome from the beta channel (have done from the start) so do expect things to be a little off-kilter sometimes. What you say about keeping an eye on it for a while does make sense. I will however, as you also mentioned, manually set it to 'Allow' soon.
