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Hello, I'm using Firefox 58.02 (64 bit). Up until the last few days, the password manager has worked just fine. Now, all of a sudden, when I try to log in to the manager it either says it can't contact the server or it says nothing at all and just never logs me in. This is happening in Firefox on multiple computers. The manager works just fine in Chrome.
kim38555...try to clean your cookies then close your browser and reopen. Also remember the login pass is case sensitive (check caps lock)



Cannot see image attachment, ty to upload in.jpg or.png format

Also what OS are you running? If windows what version?


You are going to have to start over.

1st do not do roll back method and WRMP fix together, WRMP temp fix was released to work with the 62 version of FF workaround and may not execute properly if you roll back then apply registry tweak fix. 

So do either the rollback method or WRMP current fix, not both together. 

Ha !!!! I get that notification ALLLLLLL the time even though I know GD well I'm connected to the Internet. I'm sick of Webroot and most likely call it quits after my current deal runs out.


Heck....I try to go to Password Manager and I'm informed that my key code has expired and I cant even see my stored passwords. I know for a fact that I have many many many Months left. Why the heck cant this Internet Security Company acknowledge that ????
I did try the non roll back method. But the fix file says it can be installed it is corrupted. I have re downloaded the file several times. and I get the same error message.

First try to use this to install or repair wpm download wpm from site use toolbar fix application


If it doesn't work try below


Corrupt the reason for this is this file and FF remembers user data add on profile settings and information. So you are going to have to remove/ reverse to original -that file "Copy the following folder: {8ac62a8b-8b3f-43ba-9b1a-90c299b9dfda}", while in the current FF version then -sync FF. Now try rollback method but don't download wpm from site use toolbar fix application to install/repair wpm when it comes to add-on install... what WR Dev team does is a swapping/tweak of the the files from the older FF profile extensions 61.0.2 version to New FF version 62.0. 
Hi kim38555, I have to agree with what you say. What chaps my hide is the total lack of communication between those in the know and those who want to know. Ive been a fan of Webroot for years but no longer can I support them.


Something changed about a year and a half ago. As subscribers, we are beholding to the "uppers" to keep us informed. Its how a " superior " reacts to a dilemma that puts the customers at ease. It sucks !!!! that the only answer those "superiors " can come up with is "we will keep you informed".


Hey "superiors " here's and idea on what to do/say to those FORTY NINE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY paid subscribers.


Dear loyal Webroot subscribers,

  We ran into a brick wall when Firefox upgraded. We know that Firefox upgrades every year and every year we have to "fix" something. We got caught with our pants down and are now trying to catch up. I know you all think we are just stumbling along but this is a real dilemma for us and contrary to what some of you might think...and rightfully so;we are busting our twigs and berries to fix the Password Manager.


As one of those " superiors " I promise to extend the courtesy and touch base with all of you, every single day to keep you, our loyal customers, up to date on our progress to fix this issue. Even if we don't have any news I promise that I will keep all of our loyal paid subscribers, and future subscribers in the loop. Our Webroot staff is apologetic to all of you for what you are experiencing but please understand, we are diligently working to keep our 49 THOUSAND clients safe and secure.


 Absolutely and Very Sincerely ,

A " superior " at Webroot.


To date, day 7 wpm is still holding stable with no glitching in FF 61.0.2. The key is the stop the FF from updating all else will sure to stop working unless a total rework of code in wpm to new FF 62 standards. This wrpm-patch file swap-as released by dev team most likely will probably shut down as FF updates constantly (almost nightly) and will error or corrupt code.

So the key is to not allow Mozilla firefox to update beyond 61.0.2. This can be done successfully if you understand that everytime FF is installed it looks and downloads updated 62 FF when launched if connected to the internet. The best solution is to disco ethernet or wifi, install 61.0.2, then follow instructions to not allow FF to update before connecting to the internet- in previous post. Once connected to internet execute WR toolbar fix program only as it removes and repairs (don't download it directly).       
Thank you @


We'd hate to lose you as a paid customer and supporter of Webroot. You have always backed up and supported Webroot on this Community Forum for years.

Maybe your post will wake up the Superiors? It is hard for us Webrooters to see customers struggling over a paid product and to feel helpless to find a solution.

I do feel for the Webroot Engineers who are under pressure to fix PWM. As I met some of them when I had my visit to the Webroot Office in Colorado years ago. But I agree with you that the "Superiors" should report everyday about the progress of this fix. They owe it to all of us who run Password Manager.


I/we appreciate that you expressed your concerns/feelings here on the Forum. That means alot to us.


Thanks again!:D
Spot on Sherry.

I hope your words do sink in with the staff @, something needs to and very soon as well.
The stalwarts here know my point of view. I have the profoundest respect for Webroot's anti-malware product. I would (at present) use no other for in my opinion there are simply no peers to its superior security protection capabilities (though in the big world out there, this seems to be a pretty well kept secret :@). However experience has taught me to give all those bells and whistles that come with Webroot (apart from System Optimizer which is a successor to the once definitive Window Washer) a very wide berth indeed. I have found those I have used flaky (they just don't seem to have the same rigour in their coding) and unreliable.


If one does that, one can't go far wrong. Just my 2 cents worth...
How did you manage to get it working? Uninstall/reinstall, or something else?
I received an error with Password Manager also with the new Firefox update. The error states that "Webroot Password Manager could not be verified for use with Firefox and has been disabled." How can I get this extension back and on my toolbar?
@ wrote:

I received an error with Password Manager also with the new Firefox update. The error states that "Webroot Password Manager could not be verified for use with Firefox and has been disabled." How can I get this extension back and on my toolbar?

Hello Powderworks,


Welcome to the Community.


Until Webroot fixes the Password Manager, rolling back Firefox to the previous version seems to be the only choice. This is what I did.


First, by default, Firefox is set for automatic updates. To prevent Firefox from automatically updating itself after you install an older version, you'll need to change your Firefox update settings: Click the menu button

and choose Options. In the General panel, go to the Firefox Updates section.


I changed mine to "Check for updates but let you choose to install them". Restart Firefox. Now Firefox won't update automatically.


Then go here to download older version of Firefox.


I used 61.0.2. I just installed it right over the top of my existing install. After that my Passsword manager was back.


Hope this info helps, 😉
Thanks BurnDaddy, I did that and it's working again.
So, it appears that the two "solutions" are, 1) Roll back FF to a previous version and disable auto-updates, and 2) Use different browsers.


Put me in the camp with the other unhappy campers. 62 is the current release of FF, and the problem is that either the team at WR wasn't paying attention to the release schedule, or that there just aren't resources at WR to track these things. I'm not encouraged by either possibility.
Thanks, Burndaddy, but will there be a fix for this issue coming soon? I'd prefer to not switch browsers or install an older version of Firefox as it may "break" other add-ons that have been updated to the new version.
@ wrote:

Thanks BurnDaddy, I did that and it's working again.

You're welcome, extremist. Glad to hear that. Hopefully we get a fix soon. 😉
@ wrote:

Thanks, Burndaddy, but will there be a fix for this issue coming soon? I'd prefer to not switch browsers or install an older version of Firefox as it may "break" other add-ons that have been updated to the new version.

I really hope so, Powderworks. I'm kind of surprised we don't have a fix already. And like you, @, and many of the other users, I'm a little disappointed that this appears to have caught them off-guard. We shouldn't have to roll back our browsers to use the Password Manager. Since one of the main points of updates is to address security risks, rolling back seems antithetical to Webroot's, or any AV's, goal of providing the best security. I should mention that Webroot has not recommended rolling back your browser. They recommend using a different browser (which is unacceptable to me, hence the rollback).


And so we wait... 😞
No truer words have yet to be spoken in regards to the disappearance of the PWM, BD.

I just hope that the lack of communication we are experiencing is not Webroots way of saying that they don't plan on offering PWM now or in the future and its a moot point to keep wondering. If that's truly the case, it would be wise of us to search out other means of  Internet protection.
@ wrote:


I just hope that the lack of communication we are experiencing is not Webroots way of saying that they don't plan on offering PWM now or in the future and its a moot point to keep wondering...

I hope not either, Robert.


It seems that us Home users have had to take a 'backseat' to the Business users riding up front. We're not where the money is at, despite being the very users that lead to their success in the first place. 😞
@ wrote:

...being the very users that lead to their sucess in the first place.

I'm afraid I have difficulty in following you with that argument.


I think this is in danger of inflating our own importance. Imho if Webroot's success is down to anybody, it is surely down almost completely to the amazing and incredible Prevx team (all of whom have now gone on to other things, though many of the key-persons are still working under contract to Webroot for key-projects regarding WSA's future development: see, for example, here and here). We as beta testers are relatively small cogs in the machine, especially given the fact that the Webroot beta behaves very much like the consumer version of most other software products, so that our participation in testing is relatively passive most of the time, just confirming that everything is running as expected!


Yes, we play our part, but let's not get it out of perspecitve. Imho...
@ wrote:

@ wrote:

...being the very users that lead to their sucess in the first place.

I'm afraid I have difficulty in following you with that argument.


I think this is in danger of inflating our own importance. Imho if Webroot's success is down to anybody, it is surely down almost completely to the amazing and incredible Prevx team (all of whom have now gone on to other things, though many of the key-persons are still working under contract to Webroot for key-projects regarding WSA's future development: see, for example, here and here). We as beta testers are relatively small cogs in the machine, especially given the fact that the Webroot beta behaves very much like the consumer version of most other software products, so that our participation in testing is relatively passive most of the time, just confirming that everything is running as expected!


Yes, we play our part, but let's not get it out of perspecitve. Imho...

I was referring to Home users in general. 😠
Sorry. You are right. You were indeed referring to Home Users:


@ wrote:It seems that us Home users have had to take a 'backseat' to the Business users riding up front.

I stand corrected.
