I run Webroot Secure anywhere and I haven't found the Webroot filtering extension for Firefox on Waterfox, a 64 bit reiteration of Firefox.
When I had to install a 32 bit browser for BattleField 3 I found that it immediatly prompted me to install it for regular Firefox. Again I have not been able to sucessfully find the prompt for Waterfox after reinstalling WSA. Is the plugin 64 bit ready for FF?
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Hi Niervaco, welcome to the Community!
At this time, only IE, Firefox & Chrome are supported. There is also an UNOFFICIAL Webroot filtering extension in Opera [ refer to this post https://community.webroot.com/t5/Tips-and-Tricks/Unofficial-Webroot-filtering-extension-in-Opera-Unofficial/m-p/111044 ]
As far as your question: Is the plugin 64 bit ready for FF? The answer is yes; I'm running a 64-bit system. I've never heard of Waterfox, but I will look into it.
Hope that helps!
At this time, only IE, Firefox & Chrome are supported. There is also an UNOFFICIAL Webroot filtering extension in Opera [ refer to this post https://community.webroot.com/t5/Tips-and-Tricks/Unofficial-Webroot-filtering-extension-in-Opera-Unofficial/m-p/111044 ]
As far as your question: Is the plugin 64 bit ready for FF? The answer is yes; I'm running a 64-bit system. I've never heard of Waterfox, but I will look into it.
Hope that helps!
Hi Niervaco :D
As the author of both the Opera post and the Palemoon post [ ,]https://community.webroot.com/t5/Tips-and-Tricks/Unofficial-Webroot-filtering-extension-in-Palemoon-Unofficial/m-p/111594#M783 ], I can tell you that the filtering extension will NOT work properly in Waterfox...."One more note: this will not work in Waterfox. Despite Waterfox using the same Mozilla base engine, Waterfox does not create a seperate data profile like Palemoon does. Therefore, if you try to use this in Waterfox, it will completely remove the extension from Firefox, and you won't be able to use it in Firefox again." You could use it in Waterfox if you wanted to, following the same steps to use it in Palemoon, but, then you would be unable to use it in Firefox ever again, even after reinstalling. Palemoon comes with a 64-bit version of the browser which IS fully compatible with the extension and will not remove it from Firefox. If you would like to use a 64-bit version of the Mozilla engine, I would recommend Palemoon then.
Jeff, I believe what he meant was if the extension would work in an x64 Mozilla base engine, not x64 Windows, though I could be wrong ;)
Hope this helps!
As the author of both the Opera post and the Palemoon post [ ,]https://community.webroot.com/t5/Tips-and-Tricks/Unofficial-Webroot-filtering-extension-in-Palemoon-Unofficial/m-p/111594#M783 ], I can tell you that the filtering extension will NOT work properly in Waterfox...."One more note: this will not work in Waterfox. Despite Waterfox using the same Mozilla base engine, Waterfox does not create a seperate data profile like Palemoon does. Therefore, if you try to use this in Waterfox, it will completely remove the extension from Firefox, and you won't be able to use it in Firefox again." You could use it in Waterfox if you wanted to, following the same steps to use it in Palemoon, but, then you would be unable to use it in Firefox ever again, even after reinstalling. Palemoon comes with a 64-bit version of the browser which IS fully compatible with the extension and will not remove it from Firefox. If you would like to use a 64-bit version of the Mozilla engine, I would recommend Palemoon then.
Jeff, I believe what he meant was if the extension would work in an x64 Mozilla base engine, not x64 Windows, though I could be wrong ;)
Hope this helps!
I'm not sure if 64bit Browsers are Supported or even Protected can you posts some pictures? See here under system requirements http://www.webroot.com/us/en/home/products/complete
Maybe@ or @ @ can add some info because to my understanding it's only 32bit versions and I have not heard anything different?
Minimum System Requirements
Daniel 😉
Minimum System Requirements
- Intel
family, or AMD
family, or other compatible processor
- 128 MB RAM (minimum)
- 10 MB Hard Disk Space
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 and higher, Mozilla Firefox 3.6 and higher (32-bit only), Google Chrome
10.0 or higher
- Internet access
Daniel 😉
Hi Daniel :D
The reason it lists 32-bit only for Firefox is because Mozilla do not make a native x64 Firefox. 64-bit browsers are supported and protected like x64 Internet Explorer. x64 versions of Firefox (e.g. Palemoon as an example) can be protected fully but you have to add it to the Identity Shield manually and add the extension manually as well. I will post some screenshots as soon as I can! Of course I am not Webroot staff this is just my personal experience;).
The reason it lists 32-bit only for Firefox is because Mozilla do not make a native x64 Firefox. 64-bit browsers are supported and protected like x64 Internet Explorer. x64 versions of Firefox (e.g. Palemoon as an example) can be protected fully but you have to add it to the Identity Shield manually and add the extension manually as well. I will post some screenshots as soon as I can! Of course I am not Webroot staff this is just my personal experience;).
Like I said I have not heard that the Web Shield does support any 64bit browsers so I would like to know for sure before going any further I'm just being cautious! And yes I know the ID Shield does protect them if listed and or added to ID Shield.
Daniel 😉
Daniel 😉
I love those relatively quick responses.
Waterfox is 64 bit entirely, although Mozilla does have Nightly versions of 64 bit for Windows coming out recently. I have uninstalled Firefox shortly after installing it due to the fact that I couldn't play BF3. Webroot does see Waterfox's window and protects it via Identity Sheild, however I have not been able to find a way to get the extension onto Waterfox. It has been working on I.E. 11 64 bit though. Nightly 64 bit versions of FF means that Mozilla might be having a native 64 bit Firefox soon.
The extension does not appear in either Plugins nor Extensions.
General System Specs if this helps:
Windows 7 64 bit.
E8500@3.2 GHz
Intel GMA X4500
Waterfox is 64 bit entirely, although Mozilla does have Nightly versions of 64 bit for Windows coming out recently. I have uninstalled Firefox shortly after installing it due to the fact that I couldn't play BF3. Webroot does see Waterfox's window and protects it via Identity Sheild, however I have not been able to find a way to get the extension onto Waterfox. It has been working on I.E. 11 64 bit though. Nightly 64 bit versions of FF means that Mozilla might be having a native 64 bit Firefox soon.
The extension does not appear in either Plugins nor Extensions.
General System Specs if this helps:
Windows 7 64 bit.
E8500@3.2 GHz
Intel GMA X4500
Have you read the post here: https://community.webroot.com/t5/Tips-and-Tricks/Unofficial-Webroot-filtering-extension-in-Palemoon-Unofficial/m-p/111594#M783 ? You should be able to follow the same steps in Waterfox as you do in Palemoon, just be aware that you won't be able to use it in Firefox again. If you have tried those steps, just let me know and I'll try to walk you through it :D
Yes I have looked at the post, however when looking through the WRData folder in ProgramData I see a ton of Database files. C:ProgramDataWRData(bunches of data files/ logs/ and an updater)
In the Program Files WRData folder I see Vistax86 and Vistax64 folders that contain small DLL files, wrflt. Sounds like the DLLS are Webroot Filter items. C:Prgram FilesWRDataPKGVistax86 @ Vistax64.
In the Program Files WRData folder I see Vistax86 and Vistax64 folders that contain small DLL files, wrflt. Sounds like the DLLS are Webroot Filter items. C:Prgram FilesWRDataPKGVistax86 @ Vistax64.
There should be a folder after WRData called "PKG" with the path C:ProgramDataWRDataPKG. Is that folder missing? If so, then there is a problem with the Webroot installation. Try typing that directly into your address bar and see if that brings it up.
Shran 😃
Shran 😃
No result from typing it in directly. Again, the prgramdata folder has WRData, then a bunch of database files and three logs, with an updater.
Hi Niervaco
The dbnnnn files are infact the journalling logs that WSA keeps when a file is set either automatically or manually, by the user, to 'Monitor'...so be wary about doing anything with those without guidance from an expert, as it could impede the ability to cover from a malware attack should the file being monitored prove to be 'nasty'.
The dbnnnn files are infact the journalling logs that WSA keeps when a file is set either automatically or manually, by the user, to 'Monitor'...so be wary about doing anything with those without guidance from an expert, as it could impede the ability to cover from a malware attack should the file being monitored prove to be 'nasty'.
I was afraid of that. What software version are you using? Is it
A reinstall would probably fix the missing folder, however those database files would be uninstalled as well. As Baldrick said, we need to be careful with those. If you want to try a reinstall of WSA, just let us know!
Shran 😃
A reinstall would probably fix the missing folder, however those database files would be uninstalled as well. As Baldrick said, we need to be careful with those. If you want to try a reinstall of WSA, just let us know!
Shran 😃
Thanks guys, I have not touched the files in this folder yet, but I would like to reinstall Webroot. (As I have also had problems accessing the web console from Webroot panel.)
Webroot is not listed in the programs in the uninstall menu. I have also deactivated the PC from the web console, and redownloaded the setup file and executed it. It acted like it didn't uninstall at all. (I have read a post that says to do this in order to remove WR from a PC.)
http://puu.sh/9dxMD/60895a98fc.png (it isn't anywhere where it would be.)
Webroot is not listed in the programs in the uninstall menu. I have also deactivated the PC from the web console, and redownloaded the setup file and executed it. It acted like it didn't uninstall at all. (I have read a post that says to do this in order to remove WR from a PC.)
http://puu.sh/9dxMD/60895a98fc.png (it isn't anywhere where it would be.)
Hi Niervaco
To uninstall in the situation you are describing please follow the following advice:
"If someone can't remove WSA because it's not listed in Programs & Features or All Programs use this in the Commandline or Run Dialog: "C:Program FilesWebrootWRSA.exe" –uninstall making sure that it is run in an elevated Command Prompt/Run as Administrator! Source: https://community.webroot.com/t5/Webroot-SecureAnywhere-Antivirus/PC-Uninstallation-Option-Missing-f..."
To uninstall in the situation you are describing please follow the following advice:
"If someone can't remove WSA because it's not listed in Programs & Features or All Programs use this in the Commandline or Run Dialog: "C:Program FilesWebrootWRSA.exe" –uninstall making sure that it is run in an elevated Command Prompt/Run as Administrator! Source: https://community.webroot.com/t5/Webroot-SecureAnywhere-Antivirus/PC-Uninstallation-Option-Missing-f..."
Thank you, Solly! I would have had to search for that one 😃 Teamwork - one of the things I love about Webroot!
Entirely my pleasure, Evan...as you say...TEAMWORK...for the benefit of our Community users...;)
Indeed after the uninstall and reinstall of Webroot it prompted me to have a password manager add on installed on Waterfox and I installed. However this little add on isn't accepting my login details for some reason.
Origional problem solved, new problem arised... right?
Origional problem solved, new problem arised... right?
Awesome! It's good that the original problem is decided to go away 😉. Now let's see if we can tackle this other problem. Just to be sure, do you have the filtering extension in Waterfox as well, or just the password manager?
Regarding not accepting your login details, there could be a few causes for that. I know from a previous post that you already set up your management console account. In your management console, can you see a button to view your managed passwords? You may still need to set up your console to store your passwords. If that's already been done, try clicking on the little "W" icon in the Webroot password manager toolbar, and see if it prompts you to log into your management account. If it does, go ahead and login with the same login details you use for my.webrootanywhere.com, and see if that will get it to start storing credentials.
Shran 😃
Regarding not accepting your login details, there could be a few causes for that. I know from a previous post that you already set up your management console account. In your management console, can you see a button to view your managed passwords? You may still need to set up your console to store your passwords. If that's already been done, try clicking on the little "W" icon in the Webroot password manager toolbar, and see if it prompts you to log into your management account. If it does, go ahead and login with the same login details you use for my.webrootanywhere.com, and see if that will get it to start storing credentials.
Shran 😃
The password manager only appears and installs. I have set up my console to store passwords. However, upon clicking the button to get into the passwords the page it prompts me that the page couldn't be accessed.
The filtering extension does not appear.
The filtering extension does not appear.
Hmmm... regarding the filtering extension, do you have the WRDATAPKG folder back? Hopefully that is back and not missing again.
I will try to replicate the password manager and see if I can figure out what is going on with it. It may be a problem that I or someone else has seen before so someone may have an easy fix for it ;)
EDIT: this may sound a bit silly and back to basics, but sometime this works. Have you rebooted your computer after reinstalling WSA? WSA puts two items in the system startup that will prompt you to install the filtering extension in your browsers after you reboot and open the browser again.
I will try to replicate the password manager and see if I can figure out what is going on with it. It may be a problem that I or someone else has seen before so someone may have an easy fix for it ;)
EDIT: this may sound a bit silly and back to basics, but sometime this works. Have you rebooted your computer after reinstalling WSA? WSA puts two items in the system startup that will prompt you to install the filtering extension in your browsers after you reboot and open the browser again.
I have just restarted and no prompt to install a filtering extension.
also, follwing your steps oon how to install the extension in Palemoon. (because the folder is back) how to delete the .zip and rename it to .xpi? All I could do is add .xpi to a .zip file (at least that what it looks like.)
also, follwing your steps oon how to install the extension in Palemoon. (because the folder is back) how to delete the .zip and rename it to .xpi? All I could do is add .xpi to a .zip file (at least that what it looks like.)
Windows by default doesn't highlight the extension when you rename a file, to prevent you from accidentally changing it. Just go ahead and use your mouse or keyboard to position your cursour behind the file extension, then delete the .zip part, and add .xpi to it.
Let me know if that works!
Let me know if that works!
I couldnt access the filename extension. the .xpi I have added after the filename. There was no .zip.
I couldnt access the filename extension. the .xpi I have added after the filename. There was no .zip.
It looks like Windows is set to "Hide extensions for known file types". You have to disable that in order to be able to remove the .zip extension. You can re-enable it afterwards if you want to. To do that, open your user folder, or any folder, and look in the menu bar near the top. The first button should say "Organize". Go ahead and click that, then click "Folder and search options". Then, click on the tab that says "View". Under "Advanced settings" there should be an option to hide extensions for known file types. Uncheck that, apply, and close the options windows. Now see if you can see the .zip extension on the file.
I have done so, and now the filtering extension now operates in Waterfox, thanks!
However my passowrds page in console mode cannot be displayed and my login credentials in the password manager arent working.
However my passowrds page in console mode cannot be displayed and my login credentials in the password manager arent working.
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