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AntiVirus Product

  • June 28, 2016
  • 1 reply

Have Webroot Secure Anywhere Internet Security, which Best Buy informed us we could purchase and do away with the Norton that we were using as it was free. However, whe I do a system analyze it keeps coming up with "an antivirus product is installed, but not protecting the system". How do I fix?

1 reply

  • Moderator
  • 21834 replies
  • June 28, 2016
Hello bamdem67,
Welcome to the Webroot Community,
May I ask if you still have Niorton installed? If you do I would uninstall it with the Norton removal tool.
Norton Removal Tool  Downloads and Uses Page
  • The Norton removal tool is actually a set of different tools for a variety of Symantec/Norton software.  
Please restart your computer after removing Norton. Webroot is all you need IMO. Let us know if you still get the same message. That"an antivirus product is installed, but not protecting the system".
We may need to do a uninstall/treinstall of Webroot.
Please get back to us if yoiu are still get error messages with System Analyzer,
