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Why does my renewal not show up?

  • September 28, 2014
  • 3 replies

Rewnewed it today. Srtill on the dashboard it shows expired...why? 

3 replies

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • September 28, 2014
Hi skipfishmusic
Welcome to the Community Fora.
First, this will depend on whether you have purchased via Webroot directly or Best Buy.  If the latter then it can take up to 24 hours for the renewal to go through the back office, and until then you will see expired but fear not as you are still fully protected by WSA during this period.  I would wait until tomorrow (Monday) and see if the renewal apears.  If not then you will need to contact Best Buy about the issue.
If the former, i.e., Webroot, the renewal should apply immediately also there can be a slight delay of an hour or which case I would initiate a scan from the main application page and then check again as that sometimes bumps the updating of the client app details along. If you have not seen anything by tomorrow morning then please Open a Support Ticket providing all the releavnt information about the renwal, i.e., keycode, email address, etc., so that the Support Desk can investigate this for you.
Please let us know how you get on here and if you have any further questions, etc.
Regards, Baldrick

  • Fresh Face
  • 3 replies
  • September 30, 2014
I paid my subscription renewal online about 2 weeks before the expiration date. I have the Best Buy Geek Squad edition of the Webroot Secure Anywhere Internet Security product.
It was initially aggravating that it put on the countdown to expiration, but the Best Buy/Geek Squad auto-renewal does not happen officially until the day after the expiration date, which makes sense, ie if your subscription expires on the 28th, then that day counts as your last full day, so it's auto-renewed on day 1 of the new subscription, the 29th. Though It is shocking  to see a Webroot status report that the Firewall and A/V is "OFF".... :mansurprised:
So here's the thing, today, the 29th was the first day of the auto-renewal, and my Webroot Mobile Premier was --still-- showing an Expired status. I found that by going to Settings/General Settings/Support Options and selecting "FORCE LICENSE CHECK", that by selecting that, the Webroot Mobile Premier now showed my subscription updated for the new 365 days. :catvery-happy:
My laptop is also on the same account/key code, and when I logged into the laptop, after doing the Force License Check on the cell phone Webroot, the Webroot on the laptop also showed the subscription updated.
Maybe, if I had performed the Force License Check last night, on the 28th, the subscription would have updated then.
So I am savvy about this will work when next year's renewal comes around. 😃

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • September 30, 2014
Hi rover
Welcome to the Community Forums.
Glad that you have resolved the issue...but have to say that I have never heard of that having to be done before to get the subscription to take hold...still it is good to know of thanks for sharing.
Regards, Baldrick
