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Is there any way to control what applications are listed under application protection from the web management portal?  We’re looking into this because lately we’ve had quite a few clients being unable to open chrome because webroot is stopping it from opening, and we can’t figure out what is telling webroot to put the chrome exe under app protection.


There’s an active bug with the agents in certain circumstances/configurations where Chrome won’t open. To remedy this you’ll need to have the latest PC Agent version.

Now, having experience with this just updating to the new version from 9.0.29.xx version sometimes won’t fix it. 

Here’s what you do.

  1. Uninstall the agent from the computer having the issue
  2. Once uninstalled, find and delete the WRData and WRCore folders (if they’re still there) under ProgramData.
  3. Reboot, download a fresh install from the console (that should be the new version) and reinstall.
  4. Test and see if it Chrome opens without issue

If that doesn’t do it you continue with the steps below.

  1. After the fresh install, from the console, set the agent to an unmanaged policy. This will allow you to have full local control of the agent from the computer itself
  2. Back on the computer with the issue, right click the agent and select “Refresh Configuration” a couple times and maybe run a scan. This will force a poll/check-in with the console and pull down that unmanaged policy
  3. Still on that local computer, open the Webroot GUI and click the gear cog next to the Identity Protection
  4. Click the Applicatoin Protection tab
  5. locate the Chrome.exe or add the path to the chrome.exe file and in the three columns of Protect, Allow or Deny, select the Allow radio button for the chrome.exe file
  6. Close out and test
  7. If this works, go back to your console and set the agent back to whatever default policy you use in your environment.

This should resolve this issue you are going through. 

You can also open a ticket with support as well to let them know your configuration and the chrome issue. Download and run the log gathering utility from and upload them to support using the same email as your ticket was created with. This will help support know your environment. 

Hope this helps ya bud. 

I’m testing a new beta version now that seems to have this problem nipped in the butt. 


