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Dear All,


I want to make sure if there is any ability to activate  the DNS protection on mobile devices so we can block an unwanted website on mobile devices

Hello @Safwan Akkad 


It does all this on it’s own but not sure about DNS.


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Dear community/ @TripleHelix 

I want to protect my children on their mobiles (ansroid & IOS) from the unwanted website like porno, drugs,terrorism, and others categorise based on a policy can be controlled by an administrator

So, is this feature available with one of your products?

@Safwan Akkad 


There’s no DNS Protection available for mobile OS’s or MAC OS. You are best off looking at something like DNS Filter for that service. 



Did you know if there is a plan or project in the short or long term, for DNS Protection to be available on mobile devices??


please tell me yes :) 

@Safwan Akkad 


From my understanding MAC OS will be the next focus, but even their MAC agent itself needs a complete rework, so I wouldn’t hold your breath for DNS Protection on mobile anytime within the next three years or more. 




     As this post is a year old, I wanted to ask if DNS Protection has been made available yet for mobile devices, specifically iOS devices. Please let me know. Thanks and have a great day.



Nope sorry, nothing has changed whatsoever on this. 

