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I just purchased the antivirus software and after downloading the file from the link provided I go to enter in my keycode but I keep getting a "enter a valid keycode" error. If I attempt to use the link to contact technical support I get the error below. I really need this asap so please help!


PS: I am 100% that I'm typing & copy/pasting the correct keycode.



Error from website for tech support:



An error has occurred on this website

The error details are below

We have logged this error and will be working to fix it in the next few hours

msxml3.dll error '80072ee2'

The operation timed out

/500.asp, line 202
Hi pk12


Welcome to the Community Forums


Sorry to hear that you are having issues installing around an invalid keycode.  There have been some issues in this area and so the best advice I can provide currently is that you Submit a Support Ticket so that Support can look at your keycode and help you fix it ASAP (this link does work...we use it all the time).


Alternatively, and in the interim, you could cancel the current install, try redownloading the latest installer from here (or here if purchased from Best Buy), and trying the install again with the new installer, cutting and pasting the keycode as you have done before.


Please post back and let us know how you get on.  In the meantime I will research that error message and see what I can uncover.





same thing happened to me.  I've been trying for two hours and am very frustrated. deleted norton prior to doing this. 

Hello JT, welcome to the Webroot Community!


Was your purchase a download purchse or an in-store purchase?  If download, did your purchase directly from Webroot or another website/vendor?
May I ask where you are purchasing from? Also do as Baldrick suggested to Contact Support!






It was download,  directly from Webroot
OK, that tells us who exactly to contact :)


Please file a Trouble Ticket.  We have seen a couple of these as you have seen today.  We saw a few instances of this a week or so ago and the problem seemed to be fixed, but maybe something has gone awry again.


While the Support and Sales phone lines are not manned 24/7, the Trouble Ticket system is and usually you wil receive a reply within a couple of hours.


Let us know how it comes out!
already on that! saw your post and sent in the ticket. fingers crossed! thank you!!

@ wrote:

already on that! saw your post and sent in the ticket. fingers crossed! thank you!!


Thanks JT!


I hope that this gets fixed for you quickly, but since you uninstalled Norton already you could install a trial version of Webroot to use until Support gets back to you. 
