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I was told that my account was going to be closed because I had used up 99% of my Google space! I as fooled and it instructed me to click here. I did and it was reouted to an unkown website that was downloading **bleep** into my computer. I terminated the link but I think it was too late! can some one help to trace this scam email pretending it is from Google?
Hi aace55


Welcome to the Communigty Forums...


Sorry to hear about your trouble.  Assuming that you are running WSA I would recommend that you run a scan of your system ASAP to check if anything nasty has been dropped on you PC, and let WSA do its thing.  Also, have you noticed any strange or unusal activity of events occuring since this episode?


What I am wondering is wny you want to trace this scam email...surely if it was an email that you received it should be in your inbox assuming that you have not deleted it?





