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My security settings [Explorer] do not allow me to download attachments and I cant find where to change.  The notice doesn't specify where the security settings are located
@ wrote:

My security settings [Explorer] do not allow me to download attachments and I cant find where to change.  The notice doesn't specify where the security settings are located

Hello RBG31641,


Welcome to the Community Forum,


Security settings are an integral part of computing. These settings not only guard against unauthorised access but also protect against any kind of malware or virus attacks, propagating through internet or external drives, which can harm the computer. The most important part, however, is to choose these security settings judiciously otherwise day-to-day computer activities like downloading can be hindered. If the user is facing downloading problems due to settings issues, then one simply has to access the Custom Level option from Tools to make the required changes.


Here is Microsoft Help Page. and here


  • Open Internet Explorer.
  • Go to Tools/Internet Options/Security/ Custom Level
  • Scroll to "Launching applications and unsafe file"
    • Select "Prompt".

  • Click on OK to validate.
  Maybe @ our MVP can assist here?   Hope this helps!  Regards,
