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I have had Webroot secure anywhere, but bought Webroot Internet Security Complete 2016. I uninstalled webroot secure anywhere, Trying to install new software, Webroot secure anwhere pops up. Is there anywhat to completely uninstall expired software?
Hello jw657,


Welcome to the Webroot Community,


If you still have Webroot installed would you try this below and let me know if this doesn't work or not?


If you have a new keycode, you can activate it as follows:

  1. Open SecureAnywhere.
  2. Click the gear icon next to My Account. Your account panel displays.
  3. Under Activate a new keycode, enter the keycode you want to add and click Activate.

    Note: your keycode is a string of 20 alphanumeric characters. It is unique and holds the information about your subscription. You may choose to copy and paste your keycode when prompted, to ensure that the characters are entered correctly.

If you would like to also add your keycode to your online management account, click here for instructions.


EDIT: If you have Password Manager then you need to Submit a Support Ticket so that they can transfer from your old keycode to your new keycode.
Hi jw657


If I may add to what Sherry has advised...whilst ostensibly there are 3 versions of WSA; you are moving from the AV to the Complete version I believe, there is only one installer/one application and the features that you have are enabled/disabled by the keycode entered and as suggested you should just be able to enter the new keycode and find yorself with the Complete version's features enabled.


Just note that entering the new keycode and activating it whilst there is still time on your current subscription/keycode will mean that you lose that time as both subscriptions will now run if yo uhave not yet done so and have time for the AV version I would wait until that has run out before activatingthe keycode for the Complete version.


Hope that helps further?


Regards, Baldrick
