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Webroot SecureAnywhere persists in blocking My PcBackiup.  I have checked Allow but it continues to work only off and on.

Hi sfe


Welcome to the Community Forums.


I think that you have run into a delicate area that surrounds the debate as to whether PCBackup is a PUA  (Potentially Unwanted Application as we call then here but aka Potentially Unwanted Program elsewhere...but same difference).


These are viewed as non-malware programs that are very annoying at best in that they cause pop-us, redirect your browser home page, and other behaviour that may slow down the computer and direct ads your way, but they are not actually doing anything bad like damaging files or stealing information. Often they are installed intentionally by you the user as browser add-ons for various tasks such as quick search tools. But they also come with the result of added annoying pop-ups and ads. Other times they 'piggy back' with other software that you installed, or try to 'sneak' onto your system entirely.


WSA does detect and remove many PUA's, and more are being added, but WSA does not detect all of them. A simple browser add-on with PUA behaviour that is easy to identify and easy to remove is not likely to be detected and removed by WSA. Those that are intentionally difficult to locate and remove are. Please see THIS LINK for more information regarding Webroot's stance on these annoying programs.


In the case of PCBackup, from what I have read there is a debate on whether it is or is not a PUA/PUP given that it exhibts PUA/PUP like behaviour typified by "Until you purchase or uninstall the software, you will get constant reminders that your trial is about to expire along with messages urging you to pay for a full subscription.", etc.  So if interested please refer to the following article that goes into a review of the product and attempts to draw conclusions on the subject.  I am not saying that I subscribe to the views expressed but the contents nay help explain why this application may be and continue to be blocked).


All in all a thorny issue.  If you definitively want MyPCBackup on your system then I would Open a Support Ticket and advise the Support Team of your 'predicament' and see what they suggest as the best way of getting around it.  BUT before you do that please let us know exactly where you have checked 'Allow' as there are a number of places in WSA where one can allow apps/files and it may be that you have not checked then all.


Hope that this helps?


Regards, Baldrick


I am having the same problem, and have send a ticket to support.
