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My list of "favorites" are slowly disappearing.  I had set up folders for news stations, and for listing some personal information plus a "gamre" folder, and saved links in those folders.  Over the past few weeks these links are slowly going away.  Your Webroot is active on computer and tells me that there are no threats found when it is scanned.


Can you tell me what is going on.  I am not a "tecchie", so I don't know what to do to try to fix the pronblem, other than ask someone who knows.



Joyce Mosley


(edited for privacy reasons)
Hello Oldtexaswoman,


Welcome to the Community Forum,


I'm not sure why this would be happening. Here is a Microsoft Community Help site but it might not help you if you are not experienced but you could read it and see if you can adjust your settings.


To get your favorites back, refer to the following suggestions:

Assuming that the Favorites/folders have disappeared from both the view within Internet Explorer and the %userprofile%favorites location, try using Previous Versions to return the missing files/folders:

a.       Click Start

b.      Click Computer

c.       Type %userprofile% into the Address bar

d.      Press Enter on your keyboard

e.      Right click the Favorites folder

f.        Click Properties

g.       Click Previous Versions

h.      Wait for the list of previous versions to load

i.         Select a version that was before you lost the files/folders

j.        Click Restore


If the above suggestions fails, perform System restore and check the functionality.

Refer to the following link:

System Restore disclaimer: When you use System Restore to restore the computer to a previous state, programs and updates that you installed are removed.


You could submit a Support Ticket and they may be able to look into this for you.

Hope this helps,



Kind Regards,




