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Automatic Login for password management is not Automatic

  • 12 December 2012
  • 28 replies

When using the password managagement feature I want to be able to type in a site and have it log me in automatically without having to click the autofill popup. If I check the password section of the mywebroot console, the sites I want to auto login to have the boxes checked for automatic fill and automatic login. Is there a way to do this without clicking the autofill button at every login page? 

28 replies

Userlevel 7
Welcome to the Community PartyPete. ;)
Please let me know which browser you are using and I will test the auto log in feature accordingly.
I have successfully created auto log in sites in Google Chrome and have screenshots and a few helpful tips below.
Step 1:
Log in to your MyWebroot Account>click the Passwords tab>Click Edit or Add site>check the boxes that say Automatically fill and Automatically log in (it sounds like you have completed this step but it will be useful for other users).

Step 2:
Log in to your Webroot toolbar>click on the Webroot icon

and select Sites>click the site you wish to auto log in with>click AutoFill and AutoLogin (refresh the site or logout and refresh if you need to).

Step 3:
Click on the Webroot icon

 and select Preferences>select Advanced>select Automatically login to sites if time since last login > (place a low number of seconds)>select Save

I am using Firefox 17.0.1. It looks like I have the same settings as the ones you mention. In the step 2 picture mine is a bit different:

I can click the autofill button, but I would rather it log me in automatically instead of doing it every time I visit the site. For example, if I type in, it will automatically log me in without any additional actions. I am not sure what differentiates one site doing it and the other one always bringing up the autofill toolbar. I did import my passwords into the webroot manager from Firefox, but still some sites work fine and other do not. Are some sites just more difficult to work with the password manager?
Userlevel 7
I will test the sites in both Firefox and Chrome and see if I can reproduce the issue. Please Send me a Private Message with a list of sites that do not offer the auto-login functionality.
Userlevel 7
Hey - PartyPete
The auto-login functionality worked on my tests. Are your sites working properly, or would you like to send me the sites you are having trouble with so that I can test them?
I do have issues with one site but it is business related and you would not be able to log in and test it. The whole site is done in Microsoft silverlight, so that may be an issue. For the most part things are working. I was using the address bar before and some things would not log in automatically, but using the webroot icon and going to the sites works most of the time. I would still like to just type in a URL and have it log in without using the webroot icon in the browser(though still being logged in), but that may be a security protection feature I had not considered. Thanks for following up with me.
I am using IE 11 and webroot was doing a good job of filling in my logins for me. I just renewed my subscription and all my logins are gone, worse still as I try to renew them, webroot does not autofill the login boxes as it should and I still have to type in all the username and password, eventhough the little green circle W is in each box.
Userlevel 7
Hello nandy and welcome to the Webroot Community!
I have a couple quick questions:
  • When was the subscription supposed to be renewed?  Did you renew on time or had it been expired for any time?
  • While you posted in the WSA-Complete forum, i still wonder if you renewed directly through Webroot, or was your subscription through Best Buy?
  • Finally, did you retain the same key code or did you recieve a new one?
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Like David said is it the same keycode or different keycode? When you change keycodes there is a limited time to retrieve your old keycode info and add it to your new keycode. @ 
Daniel 😉
I have been out of town for a week,, when I returned a Renew window poped up on my screen and I clicked renew and followed instructions, CC etc and printed off receipt. I see BestBuy on the top of the ticket. Nothing like a keycode etc was given. As I attempt to re create tyhe site list webroot adds the bar to "save" just like before, I check the GreenW in my tool bar and see the password manager saves the site. However the next time I go to the site it will not autofill. The green spot with the w in in the box but I still have to type in my user and PW.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Hello nandy and I forgot to Welcome you to the Webroot Community Forums!

Ok Best Buy Subscription takes up to 24 hours to update your keycode so if you have issues tomorrow it's best to call 1.800.Geeksquad please see here: and please let us know the outcome!
Daniel 😉
Now I am getting an error when I try to save a new site. It says: "an error occured while attempting to contact the server. Please check.... error#10.   I check and everything is ok with internet connection.
I now get this error everytime I try to save a new log in.  GRRRRR!!!
I did all this yesterday morning 7am, and have patiently waited until today. Problem is only getting worse, see new issue! GRRR!
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Please see my post above and sorry for the issues you're having please contact GeekSquad and they should get it corrected for you! 1-800-433-5778
Geeksqd is claimimg they just renewed my subscription and it is renewed; functional issues are Webroot's problem. Actually the issues are my problem, I am the poor sap that paid for software that is not working while vendor and seller point fingers at each other and I get no help.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Can you please Submit a Support Ticket as it's best for the support inbox as they have tools that we don't have on the Community. Also most of us are Volunteers and we try our best to help users and members but we can only do so much I will ask @ to get your support ticket put on the fast track!
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Go ahead and submit a support ticket and let me know if you are able to get helped.  If not let me know and I can escalate the support tocket.
I had already posted a ticket, also added another more detailed ticket. Never got a reply.
Finally just un-installed all webroot and reinstalled, now it is mostly working but still forgets to fill in info.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
I guess @ will have to escalate the support ticket for you. Please let us know the outcome.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ and I have actually been working behind the scenes a bit to get this sorted out.  It looks like your password manager should be active, but you mention that it doesn't fill in every time?  Does it work some of the time and just not for certain sites?  
Also, how long ago did you put in the ticket?  If it has been a long time then I can go check on the status and see why you haven't been contacted yet.
Userlevel 3
It may take Webroot awhile to respond to your ticket!  I remember placing a ticket with them regarding a question about SecureAnywhere and it took about (3) days which tells me that they are pretty busy with other tasks or responding to hundreds of other tickets and concerns but sooner or later they will get back with you on any questions that you may have!  Hope that helps!
Userlevel 7
So is the Password Manager now working, other than sometimes refusing to autofill?  
Will it allow you to fill by clicking the Autofill button at the top of the browser window?
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
It may take Webroot awhile to respond to your ticket!  I remember placing a ticket with them regarding a question about SecureAnywhere and it took about (3) days which tells me that they are pretty busy with other tasks or responding to hundreds of other tickets and concerns but sooner or later they will get back with you on any questions that you may have!  Hope that helps!
Three days is unusual... every time I have had to contact Support I had a reply within a few hours.  I am sorry that you had one bad experience, but please do not assume that it is so for every ticket nor try to set negative expectations for other members here.
Userlevel 7
@  What the Geek Squad agent told you about that it did renew correctly was quite correct.  @  and I looked into things a bit and the renewal did go through and was transmitted correctly from Best Buy to Webroot.  What we are trying to figure out is just why the Password Manager wasn't working right after the renewal... and how long it took for it to start working again.
Let us know if it is working correctly now, or if you can log into it but it is not working correctly, or anything else you can add :)
@  was quite correct that in some circumstances it can take up to 24 hours for a renewal to go through.. but that is in cases where the renewal was late for any reason.  When the renewal runs automatically on time, as yours did, there is not that delay though.
😠 It seems to be working OK now, after a complete uninstall, reboot, and reinstall with a new pass key.
Just have to reload all my websites and passwords. A lot of nuissance for a simple license renewal.
Userlevel 7
When you say re-install with a 'new pass key', do you mean that you are now using a different Key Code?  Also, are you using the same email address to log into Password Manager that you did before, or have you changed to a different one?
