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Currently on Chrome, the webroot extension is not identifying the security status of websites.  I have checked to ensure that the extension is enabled, which is it.  It is also working on firefox.  Not sure what the problem is.
Hi Rudyblue


Welcome to the Community Forums.


This sometimes happens. There are a number of ways to deal with but if you are running v9.0.11.70 of WSA then what is initially recommended is to try the following (instructions courtesy of ?, a member of the excellent Webroot Support Team :D):


1. Open the WSA user interface and go to Advanced Settings > Firewall / Web Shield.

2. There you should see several checkboxes (and hopefully all ticked).

3. Click on the one for "Activate browser extensions" to deselect this option (note: also the three checkboxes underneath should be deselected).

4. Save the changes and check, if the browser extensions got uninstalled (you need to close all open browser sessions/windows/tabs to allow WSA to do that). You could even do a restart, if you have time to do so, but it should also work without.

5. Then go back to the WSA User Interface and check the setting again (again with no open browser sessions please) and save the settings change.


Hopefully you have now the Chrome (and also the Firefox) extension back on again. Either way post back to let us know what the position is.


Regards, Baldrick
