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I have purchased SecureAnywhere complete. It is installed, registered and I have established a Webroot account. I use the latest Firefox version, however I cannot get the Password Manager toolbar to install; although the Web Filtering extension appears and works. Now I know this is a regular query posted to the forum and solutions are given, HOWEVER, I have trolled through all the notices, downloaded and run the fixit tool, bitten off all my fingernails, and thought expletives unmentionable.... all to no avail. The expletives did make me feel better!!!  Does anyone have an inkling as to why this is occurring and a solution? Should I uninstall and reinstall the entire programme??? Thanks in anticipation for any reply.


P.S. No animals were used or injured during this fraught and distressing process!!!


Please Submit a Support Ticket and let them know the issues you are having and please let us know what they come up with.




Thanks, Daniel. @, I've gone ahead and created a support ticket for you to get the process started!


Same kind of issue here. Firefox updated today and can't get the password manager toolbar to work. Using the toolbarfix does not help either.
Same problem this afternoon. Firefox updated, and has disabled the Webroot passwrod manager extension. Says it is an "unsigned extension" and will not allow me to enable it. The toolbar fix utility does not work. 
Yes the Password Manager is broken in the new Firefox 62 update and Webroot is aware and working on a fix ASAP.



Any update on this problem yet?
@ wrote:

Any update on this problem yet?

See here:
So, has this actually been solved yet? If not, can we get an update on the status of the effort? I have been staving off updating FF because of this incompatability.
@ wrote:

So, has this actually been solved yet? If not, can we get an update on the status of the effort? I have been staving off updating FF because of this incompatibility.

The last we heard was January or February 2019 for a fix.


It's February
It's February

Yes. It's the middle of February, in fact, and the good folks at Webroot have been silent on this issue for some time. However, I see that the company has been sold. That's gotta be worth something to someone, right?
I guess that fact that this is marked "Solved" should tell us what we need to know about the future of the Password manager.
Hi jbcasler

Not wishing to promote speculation & conspiracy theories but I seriously doubt that the sale of Webroot to Carbonite will have an impact on the impending fix/solution for this unfortunately long running issue. As for a thread being marked as "Solved" indicates, in this context little or nothing relevant.

It has been stated before that Webroot are working on a fix; but what that fix will be is still unconfirmed. The Webroot PWM is based on an now deprecated version of LastPass and therefore any fix will take longer than it might when compared to being applied to a current version (I am reminded re. the advent of IPv6 & its effects on some older based applications...they took months to get straighten out).

Indeed a fix may not be possible and therefore a new version of the Webroot PWM may need to be prepared, and that in software development terms can take quite a while when one considers what needs to be done to get it to prime time.

We have been told that something is imminent but whether that will be in one more day, week or month we cannot say. All we can say is that we need to be patient and trust in Webroot to deliver, as it always has.

Just my thoughts on this...and hopefully of some assistance.

Regards, Baldrick
And, what are those of us who bought the product supposed to do? We certainly could have bought a lesser version, had we known the damn PWM wasn't working, but we bought the package on the premise that we'd get the package. The WHOLE package. That's not what we got.

Some of the "solutions" offered in the forum have been laughable. Go out and use another PWM? one person is happy with having BOUGHT another PWM.

Imagine this: You bought a car, and at some point, the door locks fail to work. You go to the company's service desk, and other customers (who are actually providing more information than the company) advise you to buy aftermarket door locks.

Would you find this acceptable? Do you think anybody would find this acceptable? How about "well, just don't lock the doors until we find a fix?" Would that work for you?

This is a matter of some importance to a lot of users. On the first page of this subgroup, for Webroot Secure Anywhere - Complete, there are no fewer than EIGHT threads concerning the PWM. Go on to the next page, and there are more. in the first three pages, when I last checked today, there are a dozen threads, all about the PWM.

The whole idea that we should all patiently (and quietly) wait for a solution to be offered at some unspecified time is insulting to your customer base. The fact that the PWM was running on a deprecated code base simply indicates a lack of attention on the part of someone (product manager? who knows?) at Webroot. It also indicates the importance attributed to this feature by Webroot, which, given the fact that there are so many threads about its malfunction, is rather out-of-sync with the importance placed on it by your customers.

Here's the deal: I will be moving on to another company's offerings. The way we've been treated by Webroot is not excusable. It's just not.
Hi jbcasler

Well, we are never going to find any common ground on this...and I do wish you would stop referring to Webroot as 'your company' is not my company; I am not an employee or in anyway commercially affiliated with Webroot...I am just a volunteer who helps out in the forums.

But anyway, I am sorry to hear that you will be leaving us. It never nice to hear that. But I do understand your position, and respect that.

Hoping that you find something suitable for your needs elsewhere.

All the best, Baldrick
2 more days to PW salvation!...or not....maybe...probably...{sigh}
Have you contacted the Consumer Fraud Division of your local radio and television stations yet ?
