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Product Update: WSA for macOS Catalina

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  • New Member
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  • October 12, 2019
I'd love to know the excuse for not having Webroot ready for the release. This is very poor. Unfortunately I have only just started a subscription but it's unlikely I'll renew it when the time comes.

  • New Member
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  • October 14, 2019

I considered Webroot a premium AV software until this mishap. As a Admin for a large Apple user base so glad I didnt make the push to migrate everyone to Webroot. This would have been a disaster. My home machine were the onyl ones I ahve to worry about now and my subscript runs out 10/24 I will not be renewing. What a disappointment. No target date even. We develop software for Apple and all our prudct were thoroughly tested and migrated before release date. For a security company to no be prepared this tells you what habits are on the backend.

ijwoo1 wrote:
I'd love to know the excuse for not having Webroot ready for the release. This is very poor. Unfortunately I have only just started a subscription but it's unlikely I'll renew it when the time comes.

Apple is Apple, they do their own thing without telling other developers about it. I know I will not be upgrading to macOS Catalina until they fix all the bugs. Maybe we should ask all these companies why they were not ready for macOS Catalina also.

  • New Member
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  • October 14, 2019
ProTruckDriver wrote:
ijwoo1 wrote:
I'd love to know the excuse for not having Webroot ready for the release. This is very poor. Unfortunately I have only just started a subscription but it's unlikely I'll renew it when the time comes.

Apple is Apple, they do their own thing without telling other developers about it. I know I will not be upgrading to macOS Catalina until they fix all the bugs. Maybe we should ask all these companies why they were not ready for macOS Catalina also.

Your list is date. ESET, Avast, Kaspersky all work on Catalina. This isn’t a “bug” in Catalina this is a redesign of the baseline operating system to read only. This has been in beta for the past year. Most of the software on that this is now working because the software was released. Nice try tho. Our software was on that list and is not anymore.

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1550 replies
  • October 17, 2019

I wanted to update this thread with @PVaddi latest message over here re: timing. 

New Voice
  • New Voice
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  • October 19, 2019

Lot’s Of My App.  and Software Are Starting to Ask For Update’s For Security And Other Things Ect.. More Info on Release Beta “FIX” Or Going Have To Upgrade To macOS-Catalina. How Will U Contact When Update can Be Installed ? Link: ( We’re working closely with Apple to ensure our software is compatible with macOS 10.15 and plan to have an update in the coming weeks.

Until then, upgrading your device to macOS 10.15 will prevent Webroot from functioning properly as it is not compatible.

We will inform you when it is safe to upgrade your macOS.


no news?

I recently updated my mac to now I can’t install webroot on my mac :(

New Voice
  • New Voice
  • 14 replies
  • October 21, 2019

TO: SilenTDev79 __ Let Me Know If You Are Able To Install Webroot After Ur Update  (macOS-Catalina) Because been inform that it is Safe to Up Grade Or Received Beta Fix. I Quote: ( Until then, upgrading your device to macOS 10.15 will prevent Webroot from functioning properly as it is not compatible.

We will inform you when it is safe to upgrade your macOS.) So I’m Going To Wait So I Don’t Have To Restore My Mac Again.#*!#** Let Me Know If It Safe Now?

New Voice
  • New Voice
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  • October 21, 2019

Not “SAFE” Upgrading Your macOS ,  upgrading your device to macOS 10.15 will prevent Webroot from functioning properly as it is not compatible. Thank _you


Webroot, status please? I PAID for your product and hope you can get it working ASAP.




Please see the post from PVaddi titled: “Product Update: Webroot SecureAnywhere for macOS Catalina”.  

(Sorry, I do not seem to be able to paste links.)


The latest update was posted 10/17/19. It included estimated resolution timing. 

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1550 replies
  • October 21, 2019

New Voice
  • New Voice
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  • October 23, 2019

I Still Have (461-Days) Left on My Subscription, “How “ Do I Get My Refund ?”

lbrannon1 wrote:

TO: SilenTDev79 __ Let Me Know If You Are Able To Install Webroot After Ur Update  (macOS-Catalina) Because been inform that it is Safe to Up Grade Or Received Beta Fix. I Quote: ( Until then, upgrading your device to macOS 10.15 will prevent Webroot from functioning properly as it is not compatible.

We will inform you when it is safe to upgrade your macOS.) So I’m Going To Wait So I Don’t Have To Restore My Mac Again.#*!#** Let Me Know If It Safe Now?

No, the installer didn’t start

  • Fresh Face
  • 3 replies
  • October 28, 2019

Catalina just got an update on my Macbook today hope they’re going to be testing against that...


Hey guys...when I can install webroot on my catalina?

silenTDev79 wrote:

Hey guys...when I can install webroot on my catalina?




The latest estimate from Webroot, mid-NOV, can be found here.

New Voice
  • New Voice
  • 14 replies
  • November 4, 2019

Had to Update To (mac-OS Catalina) Because Computer Crashing Error Code (7E7AEE96CA). Had to Restore two times. Would not let me restore from Time Machine-back  And My “Mouse Wouldn't Work”.! So Had to Use Voice-over Command Just To Navigate Upgrade to OS-Catalina , Then restoring back to mac-OS Mojave Using Time Machine-Back. But  Then it Crash Again . So Updated To (Mac-OS Catalina) But Still Can’t Install My Webroot SecureAnywhere With Catalina. Their Was An Update Few Days Ago, But Was Not A Fix For Webroot - Catalina Issue. Last Update Release (macOS Catalina - Version: 10.15.1) Can’t Tell U How Mush Time I Wasted *%#!!. But No Fix Available For Now And Still Have Over 400+ Day’s Left On My Subscription. And It Remove My Relocated Item Folder with My Webroot Security in It. “NEED FIX BAD” 



  • New Member
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  • November 7, 2019

"I have a free copy of web root on my Mac Mojave that says expired subscription but still works from Ally Bank website download. If I upgrade to MacOS Catalina will I have to pay for update to 9.1xx Webroot when it is released"




I have a free copy of web root on my Mac Mojave that says expired subscription but still works from Ally Bank website download.” 

Thank you for making me aware of this free option. :relaxed: Now, to your issue. 

See: “Does my Webroot SecureAnywhere license key expire?” at

Assuming you are an Ally customer, your license key is supposed to automatically renew each year at no cost to you. Since it has not automatically renewed, have you considered contacting Ally (systemic root cause), or Webroot tech support (individual root cause)?


If I upgrade to MacOS Catalina will I have to pay for update to 9.1xx Webroot when it is released"

This entire thread is about Webroot being incompatible with Catalina. As such, I am confident that you already know this, but just to be sure …

Payment concerns aside, upgrading to Catalina right now will completely disable Webroot functionality. Webroot is ‘working on’ their software to address this issue. In the meantime, they recommend that you wait to upgrade to Catalina until after they release their ‘updated/compatible’ version. The latest status update from Webroot, complete with estimated timing, can be found  here.

  • New Member
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  • November 8, 2019

Surprising yet disappointing to say the least. BurnByCatalina had some excellent questions but all Webroot has done is avoided answering or skirted around. It’s been over a month now and all Webroot subscribers who have patiently waited are still in limbo. Basically all Webroot is saying is that they are working on this. In the interim, Webroot subscribers have no protection and apparently no recourse. If something does happen, protection wise, apparently Webroot is going to do nothing but say, “Sorry”. Furthermore, I completely agree with BurnByCatalina that Webroot subscribers should be compensated in some way for their patience and loyalty. Basically we are still paying for Webroot service protection that is not being provided. Hopefully, Webroot will step up and do the right thing regarding compensation, especially if you expect to retain us. Webroot subscribers are becoming tired of all the lame excuses. 

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1550 replies
  • November 12, 2019

Hi everyone, I wanted to provide an update about Catalina. Check out @PVaddi latest post here

  • New Member
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  • November 12, 2019

Thank you for the latest product update. I currently have Webroot installed but so far have not received the pop up guide and PVaddi is not taking any comments in this regard. Maybe I’m just overly anxious and Webroot instructions have not arrived to my computer as of yet. I will be patient and give this more time. Anxiously wish to get Webroot up and running again.

  • Moderator
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  • November 13, 2019

@artcal Hello and Welcome to the Webroot Community,


May I ask if you have restarted your Mac by chance? Sometimes that will initiate an update from Webroot.

  • New Member
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  • November 13, 2019


Thank you for your prompt response. Per your suggestion, I restarted my Mac laptop but nothing changed. Again I never uninstalled Webroot. I still have the Webroot on my computer but when I click on it, nothing at all; no access, no nothing. I’m assuming Webroot is going to send an email to all its subscribers, with pop up guide, access, etc. But again, I assuming. Nevertheless, thank you for your suggestion and help.