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i am getting i high jacked by pop ups to the point i cannot do anything on the web. Can anyone help
Hello gamby24


Welcome to the Webroot Community,


Would you be able to tell me what kind of popups you are getting?


Hi again gamby24


I will go out on the limb and tell you what information that we do havew that might be able to help you.


Please read below:



What you are seeing and describing sounds like it may be what we on the Community refer to as a PUA. (Potentially Unwanted Application) These are very annoying at best in that they cause pop-us, redirect your browser home page, and other behavior that may slow down the computer and direct ads your way, but they are not actually doing anything bad like damaging files or stealing information. Often they are installed intentionally by you the user as browser add-ons for various tasks such as quick search tools.. but they also come with the result of added annoying pop-ups and ads. Other times they 'piggy back' with other software that you installed, or try to 'sneak' onto your system entirely.


WSA does detect and remove many PUA's, and more are being added, but WSA does not detect all of them. A simple browser add-on with PUA behavior that is easy to identify and easy to remove is not likely to be detected and removed by WSA. Those that are intentionally difficult to locate and remove are. Please see THIS LINK for more information regarding Webroot's stance on these annoying programs.


For those that are not detected by WSA, please see this KB Article. It has some easy to follow directions on locating and removing PUA's. You may also want to submit a Trouble Ticket, especially if you cannot remove it easily from the directions in the KB Article.


For those that ARE detected by WSA, but cannot be removed automatically, you can submit a Trouble Ticket.  Webroot Support will help you get these annoying 'crapware' off your computer at no extra charge, and the additional examples may help to better automatic removal of that particular PUA for all users in the future.


To make sure that your WSA is checking for PUA's with the best proficiently, it sometimes helps to reset the PUA detection within WSA's settings. For PUA's that had previously been scanned and determined to be OK, but have since been added to detection/removal, you may want to complete the following steps:


  • Open Webroot SecureAnywhere
  • Click on ‘Advanced Settings’ from the top right
  • Select ‘Scan Settings’ from the left side
  • Unselect the option “Detect Potentially Unwanted Applications”
  • Click on the Save button (you may have to enter in a CAPTCHA)
  • Reselect the option to “Detect Potentially Unwanted Applications”
  • Click on the Save button
  • Run another scan with Webroot and remove any items that get detected.
To help avoid PUA's in the future, remember to read all of the information when installing or updating software (Adobe downloads often have those "extra special offers"attached... PUA'S!: often the PUA included will be mentioned, and you can opt out of installing it.  Those check boxes you see? Usually only one of them is for the User Agreement of the software you want, the others are for the junk you don't.


Hope this helps?


Thank you i will give this a try i really appricate the help
Hi gamby24


You are most welcome! Please let us know how this went for you ok?;)
unfortunaly i worked on the problem all day with no luck. not sure what to do now i am lost
Hi ?,


So sorry you are having all this trouble. Would you please Submit that Support ticket and they will check this out for you?





Thank you i did turn in a ticket and recieved a quick response. I hope to talk to the support team this week. Just to let you know how bad it is i got a coulple of pop ups as i was responding to the support team. One of them said they were from webroot and wanted me to call but that didnt make sense by what the email said so i just clicked it off.


Again thank you for your help


Hi Mike,


Thank you for letting us know.


Support will certainly take care of these popups for you. Yes that's pretty bad. To get popups from Webroot telling you to call them for support. LOLs. Smart move just to click out of there. You must have some nasty PUAs. Nevertheless Webroot will take care of this issue.


Take care and keep in touch and let us know how things turned out!;)


Just to let you know when you said to turn in a support ticket i was skeptical (customer service always seems to be a bad experiance) WOW was i wrong it was the best service i have ever had hands down. The technician (jesse) was everything you would want from customer service. Patiant, knowledgeable and courteous. The pop ups are gone and so is the stress. Thanks for all the help.


Why Hello gamby24:D


Thank youuu soo much for letting us know. Webroot Support cannot be beat can they? They are the best and have always stood by their product. I am always so greatful to of found Webroot and knowing Support is always there for us.


I am so thrilled that everything was resolved and no more darn popups. I knew you would be taken care of!;)


Take care and holler if you need anything.


Have a great weekend!
All I can say, gamby24, is welcome to the best anti malware product available; be that in terms of protection or technical support. Glad yours has been a happy experience. :D


